Manage bids more efficiently in Google Ads


There are lots of benefits to automated bidding. In addition to helping you improve your auction results, automated bidding saves time, allowing you to focus on more strategic optimizations. 

Save time on account maintenance by automating your bids

Think about your account and how many keywords you have to manage. How many manual bid changes are you making in a week? A month? A year? If you have thousands or tens of thousands of keywords in your account, it might be something 10+ hours of manual effort each month, even with modest estimates. Automated bidding dramatically reduces the time you spend on bidding, allowing you to reallocate time to optimizing other areas of your account.

Think through those tasks that you would like to get to, if only you had the time. Now imagine a world where you have that time., Inc. is an online destination that offers coupons and deals that are redeemable at nationally recognized merchant web sites and stores. wanted to drive incremental coupon redemptions while maintaining its ROAS. Smart Bidding allowed to set unique bids for every auction while optimizing against a wider range of contextual signals. After making the switch to Target ROAS, they saw a 30% increase in gross profits at their target ROAS while saving time for its campaign managers by reducing their need to monitor multiple Google Ads bid adjustments for location and audience.

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* Nguồn: Google