Drive app engagement using Display and Search


Re-engage your app users across display and search

Now that you’ve created deep links into your app and thought about your app engagement strategy, let’s look at how search and display ads can help you reach out to your app users.


Display icon

The Display Network

Search icon

The Search Network

Engage users with... Remarketing lists: user segments you want to engage with based on previous interactions in your app Keywords: how people search for you and your app
As they... Use apps on their mobile devices on the mobile Google Display Network Show intent for apps like yours, at the moment they’re searching on Google

Create a display app engagement campaign (Android and iOS)

Step 1: Set up remarketing lists.

Segment your user base by activities completed and value contributed. Did they try your app just once, or were they active paying customers that have lapsed? Create remarketing lists of your mobile app users based on segments that you’d like to engage.

Be clear about what you want each user list to do next. The clearer the objective for a user segment, the better off your engagement strategy. In your flying squirrel game, for instance, you can target people who previously reached treetop level 5 in your game (but not level 6), or people who used to be paying users but aren't now.

Step 2: Enable target CPA bidding.

When you first create your mobile app engagement campaign on the Display Network, you’ll need to start with the bid strategy called "Focus on Clicks." Once the option becomes available after you’ve gathered enough conversion history (15 conversions in the past 30 days), change your bid strategy to “Focus on Conversions.” Doing so allows you to use target CPA bidding to automatically adjust your CPC bids so that you can achieve as many in-app conversions for a target CPA.


Set a daily campaign budget that’s at least 50x your CPA target. To improve the likelihood that the Target CPA bid strategy will achieve your CPA target, it needs to learn by having data from enough in-app conversions to make better bidding decisions.

Remember to track engagement actions as conversions in Google Ads so that you can optimize bids to a cost-per-action. Consider the full long-term value of each of your remarketing lists when deciding what to bid — factoring the original cost it took to acquire them in the first place.

Step 3: Use the App Engagement Ad Template.

The template is designed to help you create text ads for the Display Network across all supported ad sizes. By doing this, you’ll enter into as many eligible auctions as possible and improve your chances of engaging with users.

The App Engagement Ad Template for mobile app engagement campaigns automatically resizes your ad to fit an eligible placement (note: only two sizes, 320x50 and 320x480, are shown in the Ad preview pane). You’ll also see that the ad has a helpful reminder for the user that the app is already installed on her device.

App Engagement Ad Template

If you choose to upload your own images using the Image App Engagement Template instead (see below), include as many ad sizes to maximize reach.

Create a search app engagement campaign (Android only)

Step 1: Use the Keyword Planner

When creating a mobile app engagement campaign on the Search Network, use keywords your customers would use to describe your products or services. The Keyword Planner can be used to generate additional keywords and estimate how much traffic you can expect from given keywords.

You can also concurrently run high-volume keywords from your mobile app install campaigns. Don't worry about running the same keyword across the two campaign types: users who already have your app on their device won’t be shown an app install ad.

Example: Food delivery app

If you’re promoting engagement for a food delivery app, you might want to create an app install ad for the keyword food delivery. But should a user already have your app, you can serve an engagement ad for the same keyword to remind them of your app.


Create separate ad groups for your generic and brand keywords. Generic terms will help build greater awareness, showing ads to users who may have forgotten about your app on their device. Brand terms are more about up-selling your app, showing ads to users that are looking specifically for you and may want the option of returning through your app.

For more on keyword planning please refer to “Basic tips for building a keyword list.”

Step 2: Use broad match.

The broad match setting makes sense for keywords that are meant to connect you with someone that’s installed your app but could be unaware of a feature or has forgotten that you can help.

Example: Food delivery app

A user downloads your food delivery app. A few days later, they search for ‘pizza delivery’ on Google. Advertising against this generic keyword triggers an ad that reminds the user that your app can help. The user clicks on the ad which deep links them to your app to start a pizza delivery order.

You’ve spent a lot of time and money getting them to install your app but they’re still searching for things that you can potentially fulfill. Keep in mind that this is a highly qualified audience: these are folks with high intent — looking for things related to your app — and they’ve already got your app on their device. Broad matching your keywords will help you to show your ads for as many of their search queries possible.

Step 3: Start with the “Maximize Clicks” bid strategy, and then change to “Focus on conversions”

As the name implies, the “Maximize Clicks” bid strategy setting tries to drive the highest number of users back to your app given the budget. Once enough conversions have been reached (100 conversions), change over to target CPA bidding. The automated bid strategy will adjust your CPC bids so that you can achieve as many in-app conversions as possible for a target CPA.


Set a daily campaign budget that’s at least 50x your CPA target. To improve the likelihood that the Target CPA bid strategy will achieve your CPA target, it needs to learn by having data from enough in-app conversions to make better bidding decisions.


Apps are a new storefront for building a thriving business. Building a great app and getting that app discovered is only the first half of your journey. To get users consistently engaging with that app is what’s needed to take you the rest of the way.

Ads on search and display can help. They can build awareness with your target users, get them to open and use your app and — of course — get them to tell others about it.

That's the way to send your app flying through the treetops, and beyond.


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* Nguồn: Google