Optimizing Google Ads with Google Analytics: Google Best Practices


Your insights get better when you use Google Ads with Google Analytics. Improve your bidding, messaging and performance through these analyses.


1. Pull Google Analytics metrics into Google Ads for deeper insights

  • Import goal completions and ecommerce transactions. 

Why: You can perform richer analyses on customized analytics goals (including micro conversions), and then optimize to your Google Analytics goals right in Google Ads.

Get started: Link your Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts.

  • Create custom remarketing lists. 

Why: Create highly-specific remarketing lists based on pages viewed, goal completions or other Google Analytics segments.

  • Use Smart Lists to automatically group your site users that are most likely to convert. 

Why: Reach engaged (but not yet converted) users of your site without needing to segment those audiences yourself.

  • Understand which Google Ads campaigns, ads or keywords drive on-site engagement. 

Why: Conversions only tell part of the story. Google Analytics tells you more about how users engage with your site, and the keywords that do (or don’t) bring them in.

Get started: Add Google Analytics data to Google Ads reports.

  • Monitor ‘% new sessions’ to learn which keywords attract new users. 

Why: Spotting new users from Google Ads tells you how to focus your efforts, especially when they’re coming into contact with you for the first time.

Read more about using Google Analytics metrics in Google Ads. 

2. Analyze Google Ads performance in Google Analytics

  • Auto-tag your ads. 

Why: Auto-tagged ads generate more richly-detailed reports in Google Analytics.

Get started: Enable auto-tagging to ensure you get the most detailed Google Ads data.

  • Segment behavior to understand your Google Ads target audience. 

Why: Discover the right messages and landing pages for each kind of user.

  • Layer Google Analytics' secondary dimensions onto your Google Ads-specific reports. 

Why: Secondary dimensions help you see which devices, keywords, placements and more drive high-quality users.

  • Use Google Ads secondary dimensions in Google Analytics Reports. 

Why: Find Google Ads-specific insights using any of your favorite reports in Google Analytics— insights that can improve your account’s performance.

  • Use Benchmarking to see how your site stacks up to the competition. 

Why: See what’s possible in your industry and how your own desktop and mobile sites compare.

Get started: View your Benchmarking reports.

Read more about analyzing Google Ads performance in Google Analytics.


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* Nguồn: Google