Handling multiple claims

The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content ID matching system.

More than one partner can have a valid claim on the same video in the same territory. For example, one partner may claim the visual portion and another partner the audio portion, or the video may mash-up content from multiple sources. When multiple partners have valid claims on a video, YouTube associates a policy from each partner with the video, according to the rules described in Which policy applies?

When a video has multiple valid claims and therefore multiple valid policies, YouTube applies whichever policy results in the most restrictive action. In order from most restrictive to least restrictive, the potential policies may be:

Takedown Most restrictive
No policy Least restrictive

For example, if one valid claim on a video has a Block claim and another valid claim on that same video has a Monetize claim, the video will be blocked.

* A partner can only order a takedown manually; this action can't be applied by a match policy.

For example, if one policy says to monetize the video and another says to block it, YouTube blocks the video. If all valid claims monetize the video, revenue is divided by the number of claims except in special cases such as cover revshare and music.

If one of the assets claiming a video has missing ownership information, the default policy action is Track (owner missing). For example, if the asset has no ownership data for CA, YouTube applies a Track (owner missing) policy in CA to videos claimed against the asset. According to the standard rule described above, this Track policy trumps any Monetize policy from other claims on that video.

* Nguồn: Youtube