Set up your content owner

The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content ID matching system.

When you get approved as a YouTube partner, YouTube creates your content owner.

  • Content owner: An umbrella account that owns one or more YouTube channels and the videos on those channels.
  • Content manager: A person who has been granted rights to administer the content for a content owner.
The content owner is different from your YouTube user account. You need to be signed in as a content manager to act on behalf of the content owner.

For Content ID, the content owner owns the assets in YouTube's rights management system and is the entity that claims videos and sets their policy.

To configure your content owner, follow these steps:

Step 1: Link the YouTube channel(s) you own to the content owner

A content owner can link to multiple channels by creating new channels or inviting other channels to join the content owner.

Once you’ve linked a channel, you can upload content to that channel, control the monetization of its videos, and set the branding.

In most cases, you need to set a default upload channel even if you don't plan to show videos on a public channel. You set the default upload channel on the Uploader settings page with the Default YouTube User field.

Step 2: Associate an AdSense account

In order to earn money with your videos and get paid, you need to associate an AdSense account with your YouTube account. You can create a new AdSense account or associate an existing one.

Step 3: Set up email notifications

Follow the steps to set up email notifications to set who to send emails to about different account activities.

Step 4: Adjust your settings (optional)

You can choose to set the embedding options, advertising formats, and attribution rules. Keep in mind that each of these settings has a default value that's appropriate for most content owners.

Use the Settings Overview page to set the range of options available for channels connected to your content owner.

For example, if you enable Skippable ads in content owner settings and one of your channels chooses to monetize a video, it'll automatically have skippable ads enabled.

Step 5: Select monetization features (optional)

You can specify what monetization features are turned on for your channels on the Features page:

Step 6: Invite users to manage content (optional)

You can use these steps to invite other users to manage the content owner's content.

When YouTube creates the content owner, one user (you) serves as the administrator for that content owner. You can invite other users to manage content on behalf of the content owner. You choose which content management capabilities the invited user will have by assigning a role to the user.

* Nguồn: Youtube