About importing call conversions


Phone call conversion tracking helps you track when your ads lead to different kinds of phone calls. By importing call conversion information into Google Ads, you can track when phone calls lead to sales or other valuable customer actions.

To learn how to import phone call conversions, read Import phone call conversions.

Before you begin

Call conversion import requires Google forwarding numbers, which are currently available only in certain countries.
This kind of conversion tracking measures calls that are initiated by taps on mobile ads, as well as calls that come through your website after someone clicks a desktop ad. However, it does not track manually dialed calls that result from desktop ads.


  • Track specific information about your calls, such as each call’s type and value for your business, and tie this to the specific ad and keyword that led to the call.
  • Distinguish between sales calls and support calls, and learn the value each kind of call brings to your business. For example, when a support call also provides opportunity to upsell or cross-sell.
  • Determine which ads and keywords perform best, and use this information to optimize your campaigns to deliver the calls that you value most and that deliver the best return on investment (ROI).

How it works

To learn which of your ads and keywords result in the most sales calls for your business:

  1. Set up a conversion action in Google Ads that tracks when customer calls come from your ads, or from a customer who clicked your ad and then called from a number on your website.
  2. Separately, keep track of your sales calls, recording details like the caller’s phone number, and when those calls lead to a sale (or whatever conversion action you want to track). You may already be tracking this information through a customer relationship management system (CRM).
  3. Upload a file containing this information about your conversion calls into Google Ads.
  4. Google Ads then matches the call info in your file with the calls tracked through your Google Ads conversion action. You can now see which of your campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords lead to calls that include sales or other conversions.

Once you know which ads and keywords lead to your most valuable calls, you can adjust your account to try to get more of these calls. For example, you can increase your bids on keywords that lead to the most sales calls, or use an automated bid strategy like Target CPA to optimize for more of these conversions. Note that automated bid strategies will work best if you regularly import your most up-to-date conversion data.

Types of calls you can track

With call conversion import, you can track calls that come from your ads in two different ways:

  • Calls that come directly from your ads: Track when someone calls the number in your call extension or call-only ad. You’ll need at least one call extension or call-only ad that uses Google forwarding numbers. Note that these calls can only be tracked when they come from mobile, not desktop or tablet.
  • Calls that come from a number on your website: Someone may click your ad and go to your website, then call from a number that is listed there. To track these calls, you’ll need to install a conversion tracking tag on your website, as well as a second code snippet to show a Google forwarding number instead of your regular phone number.

You can include both types of calls in your import, and then track them to understand how your ads lead to call conversions. Each type of call has a different set-up process, so make sure you complete the correct steps for each. Learn more about the steps to set up your conversion action.

* Nguồn: Google