Automated bid strategy: Definition


A bid strategy that automatically sets bids for your ads based on that ad’s likelihood to result in a click or conversion. Each type of automated bid strategy is designed to help you achieve a specific goal for your business.


  • Automated bidding takes the heavy lifting and guesswork out of setting bids to meet your performance goals. Unlike Manual CPC bidding, there’s no need to manually update bids for specific ad groups or keywords.
  • Different types of automated bid strategies can help you increase clicks, visibility in search results, conversions, or conversion value.
  • Conversion-based automated bid strategies set unique bids for each auction, based on information available at the time of the auction. This information includes the time of day, the specific ad being shown, or the user’s device, location, browser, and operating system.
  • Automated bid strategies learn as they go, using information about a bid’s performance to inform future bids.
  • All automated bid strategies are available as portfolio strategies. Some are also available as standard strategies.

* Nguồn: Google