About image ads on the Display Network

The Google Display Network is designed to help you find the right audience. It contains more than 2 million websites, videos, and apps, and plays host to a huge variety of ad formats and sizes. This article will explain the different types of ads you can create and show on the Display Network.

Ad Types

Responsive Display ads

Note: Beginning in the summer of 2018, responsive display ads will become the new default ad type for the Display Network in the new Google Ads experience. These ads include all the features of responsive ads, allow for multiple assets of each type, and more control over your ads. If you have responsive ads running, you’ll be prompted to save them as responsive display ads. 

Responsive Display ads can be used in standard Display campaigns as well as Smart Display campaigns. Additionally, you can link your campaign to a feed for dynamic remarketing. 

When creating a Responsive Display ad, you provide up to 5 headlines, descriptions, and logos, and up to 15 marketing images. Google uses machine learning algorithms to combine these assets in countless appearances across the web and apps, continuously optimizing for performance. Learn more about Responsive Display ads.

Why choose Responsive Display ads?

Responsive Display ads let you customize all assets to match your brand look and feel while maximizing your reach across the Google Display Network. 

When analyzing data from advertisers who run both uploaded Display ads and Responsive Display ads, Google observed, on average, 50% more conversions at a similar cost-per-acquisition (CPA) when using both Responsive Display ads and uploaded image ads compared to image ads alone. Similar analysis has shown that, on average, Responsive display ads with multiple headlines, descriptions, and images drive 10% more conversions at the same CPA compared to an ad with a single set of assets. 

Responsive ads

Responsive ads automatically adjust their size, appearance, and format to fit just about any ad space. You can create them by uploading your headline, description, logo, and marketing image, and Google will show your ads across the Display Network. Note: Responsive ads will be replaced by Responsive Display ads starting in the summer of 2018.

Uploaded Display ads

You may also build and upload your own ads to have complete control of the creatives for your Display Network campaigns. Uploaded image ads are created outside of Google Ads (like in Google Web Designer) and can be uploaded in multiple file types into Google Ads. You can also make these ads responsive, and can attach them to a feed for dynamic remarketing. Learn more about uploading your own display ads

Lightbox ads

Lightbox ads can be used in your Display campaigns that are created with the product and brand consideration goal. Lightbox ads are made up of cards that contain images or videos, and users engage with these ads by clicking and expanding them. They’re automatically resized as they appear across the Display Network, which can help you reach a greater potential audience. 

Because Lightbox ads are designed to be clicked and expanded, they reduce accidental engagements and provide a better value for advertisers and an improved user experience. Learn more about Lightbox ads

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* Nguồn: Google