About call-only ads

Call-only ads are designed to encourage people to call your business, and can appear only on devices that make phone calls. When a potential customer clicks your ad, the ad places a call to you from their device.

Before you begin

Call-only ads can use the same phone numbers that you may already be using in your call extensions. To learn more about showing phone numbers in your ads, skip to About call extensions

How you're charged

Clicks on the call button or headline are charged at a cost-per-click (CPC) based on the bid that you set in your account.

How it works

Call reporting—which is available only on the Search Network—uses Google forwarding numbers (GFNs) to measure the performance of your call extension or call-only ad. When you turn on call reporting, we’ll assign a Google forwarding phone number to your ad. That way, you’ll be able to see the details of your calls, and count them as conversions.

How a call-only ad works:

  1. Your ad wins an auction and is shown on the Search Network.
  2. Someone taps the ad.
  3. That person’s mobile phone dialer opens with the number set (either your own number or a GFN, depending on your settings).
  4. The person taps the call button to place the call.

Calls using a GFN should be counted as a phone call in your reporting. Calls where the duration meets the minimum requirement set in your account for a conversion will be reported as a conversion on the date the ad was shown. For example, someone is shown your ad on August 5 and writes down the GFN, but doesn’t call until August 10 and has a 2-minute call with your business. On August 10, you would have one phone call reported and a call conversion reported on August 5 because the call met your 30-second requirement.

When you create your ads, you'll be asked to enter the following information:

  • Your business name
  • Your phone number
  • Two lines of description text
  • A display URL
  • A verification URL, which is the URL of a webpage that includes your business phone number.

These fields are eligible to show when your ad appears on mobile devices, but some may be omitted in order to make the most of the smaller screen space on these devices.

Select extensions, including location extensionsstructured snippet extensions, and callout extensions, are also eligible to show with your ad. Extensions expand your ad with more information and can give your ad greater visibility and prominence on the search results page. Clicks on location extensions will send people to your location page. There's no cost to add them, and it is recommended that you add all extensions that are relevant to your business. Clicks on your ad (including your extension) will be charged as usual. To learn more about extensions, skip to About extensions

Call-only ads initiate calls directly to your business and don't send customers to your website landing page. When you enter your verification URL, which can be the landing page URL for your business, that's only to verify your ad and phone number. It will not be directly displayed on your ad. To create ads that allow both clicks to call and clicks to your website, try setting up a standard text ad and using call extensions.

Call-only ads are available only for campaigns on the Search Network.

Information Example ad Limit for most languages Limit for double-width* languages
Business name Business name 25 characters 12 characters
Phone number Call: (555) 555-5555 none none
Description line 1 Description line 1 80 characters 40 characters
Description line 2 (optional) Description line 2 80 characters 40 characters
Display URL (optional) www.example.com 35 characters 17 characters
Verification URL www.example.com/contact None None

* Double-width languages are languages that use double-width characters, like Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

* Nguồn: Google