Translations & transcription cards


Your community of viewers can help you reach a larger audience by adding titles, descriptions, subtitles, and closed captions to your videos once you turn on community contributions.

To further help you get submissions on videos that need translations (titles, descriptions, subtitles) or captions, YouTube may automatically add a card asking viewers to contribute or review contributions. Learn more about the cards feature.

Who sees cards for community contributions

Cards asking viewers to contribute translations or transcriptions to a video are targeted to viewers who understand the video's language and the languages a video's captions, title, or description need to be translated into.

  • Viewers need to be logged in and using YouTube on a desktop computer.
  • Viewers only see cards in languages they know, which is determined by their YouTube language settings.

To make sure they're not overwhelmed with requests, we adjust how often a viewer sees a card asking for contributions.

What viewers see

Cards show at the end of the video. If you have other cards in the video, the card asking for translation submissions shows last.

Depending on translations a video needs and the languages a viewer knows, they will see one of the following cards:

  • Create or review captions: Viewers who know the language spoken in video are asked to create or review closed captions submissions in that language.
  • Translate or review title, descriptions, and subtitles: Viewers who speak both the language spoken in the video and a language that doesn't yet have subtitles are asked to create or review subtitle submissions.
  • Contribute to channel: Viewers who speak the language spoken in the video are linked to a recommendation page with more contribution opportunities for that channel, if the applicable languages in the current video are already published. 

Once the title, descriptions, captions, or subtitles have been published, the card for that language won't show on the video any longer. Instead, viewers will see the list of available contributions for the channel.

Frequently asked questions

What do cards for translations and transcriptions look like?

Here's an example of what the cards look like:

Can I manually add cards for translations and transcriptions?

Cards for translations and transcriptions are only available to be automatically added to videos.

Can I see how many cards are shown to viewers?

Yes, data for translations and transcriptions cards is available in your Cards report.

Do these cards count towards the limit of 5 cards per video?

No, these cards are shown in addition to any cards you've added to your video.

Can I opt out of having these cards show on my videos?

Cards for translations and transcriptions are part of the feature you turn on or off with community contributions. These cards can help you get contributions for videos that need translations (title, descriptions, subtitles) or captions.

* Nguồn: Youtube