Choosing a Campaign Type


The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content ID matching system.

Campaigns are a dynamic promotional tool you can utilize to promote your content from user-uploaded videos. There are three types of campaigns you can utilize, each with their own advantages:

Manually Configured

  • Definition: Select asset(s) or asset label(s), and specify the video or channel you’d like to promote on UGC claimed against the asset(s).
  • Use cases: Use this option to promote a specific video or channel for a set of assets. Examples:
    • Promote an artist’s new music video on user uploads containing that artist’s work
    • Promote a new episode on user uploads containing clips from the show
  • Setup: Select New campaign from the Campaigns page.

  • Tips:
    • When possible, use label-based campaigns. This allows you to select all assets that have particular asset labels applied to them. There are many reasons to use this option, including:
      • No limit on the number of assets in the campaign. Asset-based campaigns are limited to 25 assets while label-based campaigns have no such limits.
      • Better targeting. Contextually relevant labels allow for the easier construction of thematically relevant campaigns.
      • Automatic updating. Rather than needing to update campaigns with newly ingested assets, simply applying a label to a new asset will include that asset’s UGC in the campaign (after a brief updating period).
      • Reusability. Asset labels are useful in other parts of YouTube, including downloadable reports and asset and claim filters.
    • You can find performance data for your manually configured campaigns in the Reports > Campaigns tab. Learn more about performance data. Use this data to modify asset groupings or targets to optimize your campaigns.
    • We suggest creating a manual campaign for sound recording assets. We currently don't generate a default campaign link against these assets because there is no playable video reference.


  • Definition: YouTube creates links to the “official” video (playable reference) that the UGC is claimed against.
  • Use cases: Use this to promote the official video on user uploads of the same content. This can be enabled in minutes, so is a good option if you aren’t able to invest time in creating manual campaigns.

Note that manual campaigns trump default links. For assets included in the manual campaign we will only display the link to the video or channel you manually specified. This may change as we explore multiple cards on the same user-uploaded video.

  • Setup: Select Feature official videos on fan uploads under the Default section in the Campaigns page.

Transactional Auto-links

  • Definition: YouTube automatically creates a link to the YouTube transactional content if a matching reference is using Content ID to track or monetize user-uploaded videos. This is relevant only to partners providing content for rental in the YouTube/Google Play store.
  • Use cases: Removes burden of creating campaign links to transactional content, and automatically drives traffic back to you. If you are providing content for rental in the YouTube/Google Play store, this option is preferred.

Note that manual campaigns trump auto-links. For assets included in a manual campaign, we will only display the link to the video or channel you manually specified.

  • Setup: No set-up is required. This is done automatically for partners tracking or monetizing matches against content available via EST/VOD.


* Nguồn: Youtube