Expand your business globally: Google Best Practices


This guide offers best practices on exporting your business to new countries online. It’s about how to identify global opportunities and capitalize on them in Google Ads.

1. Discover your opportunities abroad

  • Research market opportunities abroad to understand your potential.

Why: Customers abroad are searching for your products. Google Analytics, the Keyword Planner and other tools can help you gauge your potential before starting a new campaign.

  • Identify general export conditions in any new markets.

Why: Understanding requirements like payment methods and translation needs can help determine which new opportunities are most appealing.

Get started: The Market Finder site has some resources and tips to help you evaluate feasibility.

Read more about discovering your global opportunities.

2. Connect with the locals

  • Start with new markets that are easier to expand into.

Why: Your assets and processes will adapt more easily if you already have a lot in common with that market based on language, location or other key factors.

  • Take cultural differences into account and localize your keywords, ads and landing pages.

Why: Translating to a new language isn’t enough. Different cultures have different preferences. Use colors, technology preferences and selling propositions like a local would.

Get started: Use the Consumer Barometer tool to understand Internet usage in other cultures.

Read more about reaching and connecting with new markets.

3. Set up your account for optimization across markets

  • Start expansion with what’s already working in existing markets.

Why: You can establish a stable baseline from which to evaluate performance.

  • Customize goals for new markets.

Why: User value, competition and costs of goods sold can all vary across locales, and those differences should be taken into account when identifying performance targets.

  • Pick whatever account structure works for you, and commit to it across your campaigns. 

Why: A consistent structure gives you a strong foundation for control and specialization. It also allows for clearer reporting, budgeting and account management.

  • Establish consistent naming conventions in one language across campaigns.

Why: Uniform naming allows for easier reporting and optimization.

Get started: Learn more about Going Global with Google with our collection in the Advertiser Community.

Read more about setting up your account for international optimization.

4. Use automation and scale your coverage

  • Use automation to simplify management across markets.

Why: By using tools like automated bidding and ad customizers you save time managing updates across markets.

Get started: Use automated bidding and ad customizers to save time in account management.

  • Leverage automation tools to test and enter new markets.

Why: Features that don't rely on keywords for targeting (Dynamic Search Ads, Shopping Ads, Display Campaign Optimizer, universal app campaigns) allow you to test campaigns in new markets quickly.

Get Started: Methods such as Dynamic Search Ads, Shopping campaigns, Smart display campaigns and Universal App Campaigns allow you to test in new markets more efficiently.

Read more about using automation to scale your coverage across the globe.


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* Nguồn: Google