Optimize Display campaigns on the Google Display Network


This guide offers display advertising best practices for connecting customers with relevant ads across the web. Learn tips for reaching the right audiences, choosing the right message and bids and optimizing for performance.

1. Set your display campaigns up for success

The videos in this guide reference the previous version of Google Ads. Learn how to check which version you're using.

Set Your Display Campaigns Up For Success

In this video, learn how to set up your display campaigns for success. We’ll cover three things: (1) how to check for accurate website and app conversion tracking; (2) separate display and search campaigns for more control, and (3) think beyond last-click attribution

  • Check that you’re accurately tracking website and app conversions.

Why: Your ability to optimize is only as good as the data you're using.

Get started: Check your conversion tracking tag.

  • Keep search and display campaigns separate for more control.

Why: Search and display ads reach consumers in different contexts, managing them separately allows you to optimize for those contexts.

Get started: Create separate campaigns or use Search Network with Display Select to let Google Ads automatically manage.

  • Think beyond last-click attribution.

Why: It’s important to account for all of the media touch points that led to a conversion.

Get started: Add view-through conversions to placement reports for a more complete picture of the conversion path.

Read more about building successful display campaigns.

2. Reach the right audience at the right moment

Reach the Right Audience at the Right Moment with Display Ads - Google Best Practices

In this video, we’re going to to talk about reaching the right audience at the right moment. It covers four things: (1) Re-engage past site and app visitors with remarketing; (2) enhance your remarketing with similar audiences; (3) find additional customers with keyword targeting and in-market audiences; and (4) automate your targeting with display targeting optimization.

  • Re-engage past site visitors with remarketing.

Why: On average, consumers visit websites 6 times in the purchase process-re-engage them when they’re most likely to buy.1

Get started: Learn how to reach customers using remarketing with our Display remarketing guide.

  • Enhance your remarketing with similar audiences.

Why: This can grow your remarketing conversions by up to 38%, compared to using remarketing alone.2

Get started: Add similar audiences to reach people similar to your site visitors.

  • Find additional customers with keyword targeting and in-market audiences.

Why: Both can cost effectively deliver new and highly-qualified customers.

Get started: Choose keywords for your Display Network campaigns.

Why: You can drive more volume based on your performance goals.

Read more about choosing the right audiences.

3. Match the message and bid to the moment

Match the Message and Bid to the Moment

In this video, we’re going to to talk about matching the message and bid to the moment. It covers three things: (1) use both text and image ads in multiple sizes and formats; (2) use Gmail ads; and (3) automate your bids

  • Use both responsive and image ads in multiple sizes and formats.

Why: On average, advertisers see 50% more conversions at a similar cost-per-acquisition when they use both responsive ads and image ads, compared to image ads alone.3

Get started: Use the Ad Gallery to build beautiful ads quickly and for free.

  • Automate your bids.

Why: Save time and improve performance.

Get started: Apply an automated bid strategy to your Display campaigns.

Read more about choosing the right display ads and bids.

4. Optimize for better display performance

Optimize for Better Display Performance - Google Best Practices

In this video, we’re going to go over how to optimize for better display performance. It covers three things: (1) audit your site categories for irrelevant content; (2) Optimize your placements with the Placement Performance Report; and (3) surface relevant technical issues with the Account Set-up Dashboard.

  • Exclude underperforming site categories and placements.

Why: Avoid content that your target audience isn’t likely to visit.

Get started: Use the exclusions on site categories and placements that your target customers are not likely to visit.

Read more about optimizing your account.

Making the Most of Display Advertising on the Google Display Network

With 90% reach across all internet users worldwide, the Google Display Network is the largest global display ad network across desktop and mobile to reach these folks. In this video series, we’ll show you how to deliver on consumers’ higher expectations and ultimately drive more leads and sales for your business.


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1 Source: Google/Nielsen Study: Mobile Path to Purchase: Five Key Findings, November 2013
2 Source: Calculated median from internal Google data, March 2015.
3 Source: Google internal data, January 2017.

* Nguồn: Google