Match the message and bid to the moment


Learn advanced tips for display campaigns on the Google Display Network. 

Use both responsive and image ads in multiple sizes and formats.

On average, advertisers see 50% more conversions at a similar cost-per-acquisition when they use both responsive ads and image ads, compared to image ads alone.8 Here are a few tips to making the most of your display ads:

  • Upload your image ads in high-definition (HD) sizes. HD typically indicates doubled size. For instance, the HD version of a 300x250 ad should be a 600x500 ad.
  • Include the five most popular image sizes and we’ll automatically resize them to fit 95% of the placements on the Google Display Network.9 Note that uploading the additional sizes should drive better performance.
    • 300x250
    • 728x90
    • 160x600
    • 320x50 
    • 300x600 
  • Use Gmail Ads. We recommend creating a separate display campaign focused on Gmail ads and applying creative learnings from your previous email marketing campaigns. You should also review your past performance reports to see what subject lines or copy worked well. Keep in mind, Gmail ads will only run in a campaign that is only targeting Gmail inboxes.

For more display ads best practices, check out our guide “Create Effective Display Ads.”


  • Need to create image ads fast? Use the Ad Gallery to build beautiful ads quickly and for free.
  • To learn how to create an effective display ad, try the "Create Display Ads That Click with Your Customers" lesson in the Primer app. Launch this lesson in Primer.

Automate your bids

Automation is the marketing assistant you’ve never had-it saves you time and improves performance. 

Let’s say your target audience is men in their 20s who live in Los Angeles and are passionate about fitness. There are millions of data signals and combinations that you could apply as bid modifiers such as intent, location, device, interest, time and more. Automated bidding makes it easier for you to deliver the right message to the right person at the right price. If you’re a performance advertiser, we recommend for you to optimize your campaigns using Target CPA or ROAS.

For more best practices on automated bidding and cross-device conversions, check out our guides on automated bidding and cross-device conversions.


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8 Source: Google internal data, January 2017
9 Source: Google internal data, March 2016.

* Nguồn: Google