Set up your account for optimization across markets


Once you have a larger export strategy in place, you’ll need to reflect that strategy within Google Ads itself. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind.

Start expansion with what’s already working in existing markets.

Use what’s already working for you in Google Ads for your existing markets as a starting point for new markets. Although no two markets are the same, your existing campaigns can serve as a baseline for performance. By replicating your campaign structure and tactics, you will be able to see how new markets respond.

As with anything new in Google Ads, test and iterate. The actual performance you see might not match your hypothesis about a given market. As long as you monitor your tests, you will be ready to change course as performance dictates.

Customize goals for new markets.

Every market is different, and what’s profitable from one market to another can be equally diverse. Replicating goals across markets can hamper your performance, or even inflate results beyond the point of profitability. User value, competition and costs of goods sold can all vary across locales, so those differences should be taken into account when identifying performance targets. Finally, while it’s good to keep a stable goal, but don’t be afraid to revise your performance targets as you see real results come in.

Pick whatever account structure works for you, and commit to it across your campaigns.

Along with the proper goals and strategy, you also need the right infrastructure in place within your account. A consistent structure gives you a strong foundation for control and specialization. It also also allows for better reporting, budgeting and account management across however many campaigns you have in your manager account.

There’s no single right way to structure your account, but here are a few approaches that we see most often:

  • One account for each country and language. Products live within campaigns.
  • One account for each country and product. Languages live within campaigns.
  • One account for each language. Products and countries live within campaigns.

There are pros and cons to each approach. One account per language might be easier to manage, but may make it more difficult to manage budgets at a product line level. One account for each country and product may allow for prioritization and optimization of top markets, but it’s a lot more to manage. If you start by knowing your management limitations and preferences you can identify the right approach for your account.

Think about things like your internal structure and how it would align to your campaigns. How’s your team organized, and how ca Google Ads best match up to that? How are your budgets handled? Across teams, products or geographies?

Although there’s no denying that reaching new countries makes your accounts more complex, you ultimately have the power to manage that complexity through your account structure. Whatever route you decide on, commit to that structure moving forward. The proper strategy at the outset will make each addition that much easier to handle.

Establish consistent naming conventions in one language across campaigns.

Across campaigns, ad groups and even labels, use a consistent naming system and don’t deviate from it. Consistent naming systems allow for easier reporting and optimization.

Lay a strong foundation early on, then build upon it. Even though your naming may feel simple as you expand to one or two countries, those names can get convoluted as you reach more and more countries. Come up with standard abbreviations and inclusions in names. Things like country, language and targeting method should be in your labels wherever possible.

Plan on succeeding abroad and then needing a lot more campaigns in the future. That way you’ll give names and labels the proper amount of thought to make them useful in the future as you have a lot more complexity to manage.


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* Nguồn: Google