How many ads and ad accounts can I have in Ads Manager?
Ads Manager has limits on the number of ads and accounts you can manage:
- A user can manage up to 25 ad accounts.
- An ad account can have a max of 25 users per account.
- A regular ad account can have up to 5,000 ads that aren't deleted.
- A regular ad account can have up to 5,000 sets that aren't deleted.
- A regular ad account can have up to 5,000 campaigns that aren't deleted.
- An ad account can have up to 50 ads that aren't deleted per ad set.
- A regular ad account can have up to 100,000 archived ads or ad campaigns.
If you have the ability to create larger accounts and campaigns (for example, through your account manager), these are the limits in Ads Manager:
- A large ad account can have up to 50,000 ads that aren't deleted.
- A large ad account can have up to 10,000 ad sets that aren't deleted.
- A large ad account can have up to 10,000 campaigns that aren't deleted
- A large ad account can have up to 50 ads that aren't deleted per ad set.
* Nguồn: Facebook