About video ad bid types

Tip: Shorter videos get more completed views. More people watch to the end of videos that are 15 seconds long or less. More tips for better mobile video ads.

If you choose Video Views as your ad objective in ad creation, you'll have the option to choose between multiple bid types. Take a look at the information below to learn more about the different bid types and figure out which bid type might work best for you.

Recommended bid type

Video Views – Impression (CPM)

Video Views – Impression (CPM) is the default bid type and is the recommended buying method for driving brand impact.

When you choose Video Views optimisation with the Impression (CPM) charging option, you're choosing to pay per impression. If you choose this bid type, your ad will be optimised to reach people who are likely to view your video for a total of at least ten seconds or for nearly its entire length, whichever occurs first.

If you'd like to set a custom bid based on how much a 10-second view is worth to you, you can do so at the ad set level, in the Budget & schedule > Bid amount section. If you set a manual bid, bear in mind that it's uncommon to spend more than the bid you set, but it's possible. You may also spend less than your bid. When you choose to pay per impression, you'll always be charged for impressions.

Optional bid type

Video Views – 10-second video view

When you choose Video Views with the 10-second video view charging option, you're choosing to pay per ten-second video view.

To choose this option:

  1. Go to Ads Manager and create a video views-objective campaign.
  2. At the ad set level, below Budget & schedule > When you get charged click More options.
  3. Choose 10-second video view.

If you choose this bid type, your ad will be optimised to reach people who are likely to view your video for a total of at least ten seconds or for nearly its entire length, whichever occurs first. You'll be charged when people view your video for an aggregate of at least ten seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever occurs first. You'll also have the option to set a custom bid amount, and your cost per ten-second video view will not exceed your bid.

You should only use this bid type if you want to ensure your cost per 10-second video view won't exceed your bid.

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