See what's new with reach and frequency buying

Note: Access to the reach and frequency buying type is being rolled out to qualifying ad accounts gradually. It may not be available to you at this time.

The reach and frequency buying type is constantly evolving to better meet your needs. Here's the latest updates and features that are currently being rolled out:

April 2018

  • Customised creative for individual ad placements (placement asset customisation): Customise your creative assets by placements with reach and frequency buying the same way you can with auction buying. Different placements have different creative requirements. For example, ads that run on Facebook News Feed should use vertical images or videos, while in-stream video placements require horizontal videos. Now, you can upload multiple types of creative for each available placement and customise each creative asset for each placement so that the vertical videos appear on News Feed and the horizontal videos appear in in-stream videos. The ability to customise your creative in this way is called placement asset customisation.

    Learn more about placement asset customisation.

  • Regional targeting: Target multiple countries within a specific geographic region by selecting the region as an audience location. Previously, you had to add individual countries separately if you wanted to target ads to an entire region. Now, you can add the entire region at once by typing in the name of the region in the Locations search bar. For example, you can choose "Europe" as your audience location by typing "Europe" into the search bar.

January 2018
  • Multi-country targeting: Now you can target your ad sets towards more than one country within a single campaign, instead of creating separate campaigns for each country you wish to target.

    To target multiple countries, choose the Edit audience feature in the Audience section of Ads Manager, type in the names of the countries you'd like to target and select them from the drop-down menu.

    Bear in mind that you will not be able to customise the language in your ad creative to appear in different languages to different targeted countries all within the same ad set. For example, if you run a single ad set that includes both Germany and France in your target audience, you will not be able to target German language creative in Germany and French language creative in France within that one ad set. Make sure that your ad creative will resonate across all the countries you plan to target, or create different campaigns with language-specific creative for each country you'd like to target.

    Note: This feature is currently being rolled out and may not be available to you just yet.

    Learn more about targeting for reach and frequency buying.

* Nguồn: Facebook