Create a Custom Audience using events


If someone visits your website after clicking on a Facebook ad, they may not always complete an action, such as making a purchase. You can retarget audiences who have visited your website by creating a Custom Audience from your website using standard events or custom events.

Before you begin

Create a Website Custom Audience

  1. Go to Audiences in Ads Manager.
  2. Click Create Audience and select Custom Audience.
  3. Click Website Traffic.
  4. Click Custom combination under Website traffic.
  5. Click Event under URL.
  6. Choose a standard event that you've added on your website.
  7. Enter the number of days you want people to remain in your audience after they visit your website.
  8. Give your audience a name, then click Create Audience.

Bear in mind that you can also create Custom Audiences from events with specific parameters. To do this, click Add a parameter (Optional) once you've selected an event.

Once you've created your Custom Audience, you can also create a Lookalike Audience from it.

* Nguồn: Facebook