Monetization during Content ID disputes


Monetization during Content ID disputes is enabled when both the video creator and the Content ID claimant want to monetize the video. You can dispute a Content ID claim at any time. If you choose to dispute within the first 5 days of receiving it, we will hold revenue generated on that video from the first day the Content ID claim was placed. If you choose to dispute a Content ID claim after 5 days of the original claim, we will start holding the revenue on the date the dispute is made.

Throughout the dispute process, we'll hold the revenue separately and, once the dispute is resolved, we'll pay it out to the appropriate party.

At each stage of the Content ID dispute process, there are several actions that can be taken by you or the claimant. Click on each stage below to learn more about what happens to the revenue with each possible action.

Filing a Content ID dispute

After a Content ID claim is made on your video, you have two options to respond. 

  • Do nothing, allow claim to exist on your video: After 5 days any held revenue will be released to the claimant. 
  • File a dispute within the first 5 days of the claim: In this scenario, we will continue to run ads and hold all revenue that the video earns while the claimant reviews your dispute.
  • File a dispute after the first 5 days after a claim is made: We will hold revenue from the date the dispute is made.

More information about the Content ID dispute process

When you dispute a Content ID claim, the claimant will be notified and they'll have 30 days to respond. During this process, we will continue to run ads and hold all revenue that the video earns.

There are a few things that the claimant can do in response to your dispute:

  • Release the claim: If they agree with your dispute, they can choose to release their claim. As long as there are no other claims on your video, we will release the revenue earned during the dispute to you. 
  • Uphold the claim: If they believe their claim is still valid, they can choose to uphold it. If you feel it was mistakenly upheld, you may be able to appeal their decision.
  • Submit a copyright takedown request: They can submit a copyright takedown request to remove your video from YouTube, which means you’ll get a copyright strike on your account.

Filing a Content ID appeal

You have a couple options if the claimant chooses to uphold their claim after you dispute. You can either:

  • Do nothing, allow claim to exist on your video: After 5 days any held revenue will be released to the claimant.
  • File an appeal within the first 5 days of the claim being upheld: In this scenario, we will continue to run ads and hold all revenue that the video earns while the claimant reviews your appeal.
  • File an appeal after the first 5 days after the claim is upheld: We will hold revenue from the date the appeal is made.

More information about the Content ID appeal process

When you appeal a Content ID claim, the claimant will be notified and they'll have 30 days to respond. During this process, we will continue to run ads and hold all revenue that the video earns. 
There are a few things that the claimant can do in response to your appeal:
  • Release the claim: If they agree with your appeal, they can choose to release their claim. As long as there are no other claims on your video, we will release the revenue earned during the dispute to you. 
  • Schedule a takedown request for your video: If the claimant issues a delayed copyright takedown request, you can cancel your appeal within 7 days, which prevents the takedown and keeps the claim active on your video. During these 7 days,  we will continue to run ads and hold all revenue that the video earns.
  • Submit a copyright takedown request: If they believe their claim is still valid, they can submit a copyright takedown request to remove your video from YouTube, which means you’ll get a copyright strike on your account.

If the claimant rejects your appeal and submits a copyright takedown of your video, you will have the opportunity to file a counter notification. Counter notifications can be filed at any time. If you file a counter notification within 5 days of receiving the takedown, revenue will continue to be held until the full claim process is resolved. Learn more about the counter notification process.

If a Content ID claim on your video is released following a dispute and it earned revenue during that time, it may take a little while before you see that information in YouTube Analytics. Revenue calculations are made approximately 10 days after month end and YouTube Analytics data will be updated about 30 days after that. 
If for any reason you choose not to monetize your video while it is in dispute, you can disable monetization from the Video Manager section of your Creator Studio.

Get more help with Content ID

* Nguồn: Youtube