Create a responsive display ad

Note: Beginning in the summer of 2018, responsive display ads will become the new default ad type for the Display Network in the new Google Ads experience. These ads include all the features of responsive ads, allow for multiple assets of each type, and more control over your ads. If you have responsive ads running, you’ll be prompted to save them as responsive display ads. 

For an easier way to show your ads across the Display Network, create responsive display ads. These ads are asset-based, and automatically adjust their size, appearance, and format to fit available ad spaces. With the assets you enter, including logos, headlines, images, and descriptions, Google automatically generates your ad as ad spaces become available, and uses the multiple assets you upload to optimize for the best performance. Responsive display ads can show as almost any size text, image, or native format.

This article describes how to create your responsive display ad. For an overview, see about responsive display ads.

Before you begin

If you create dynamic responsive display ads by associating a feed with your responsive display ad (and its campaign), keep the following points in mind:

  • If you include a formatted price in your feed, then it will be used instead of the price prefix you add in Google Ads when creating up your ad.
  • Because these ads show as more sizes than your dynamic feed images can fit to, your ads may not always use images from your feed.
  • Products shown in preview are for illustrative purposes only. Please ensure that your feeds are compliant with our Personalized Advertising Policy
  • Google may show layout tags for retail advertisers, such as "new", "hot", or "price drop", on relevant products in order to drive performance. These layout tags appear automatically based on product insights from the feed. Learn more here.
  • Not all assets will appear when your ads show. Sometimes, for example, your ads may show without images to increase your reach across the Display Network.

Learn more about using feeds for dynamic remarketing

How to create responsive display ads

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. From the navigation panel on the left, select Display campaigns.
  3. Then click Ads & extensions from the page menu on the left.
  4. Click blue plus button .
  5. Select Responsive display ad.
  6. Select an ad group. If you want your responsive display ads to support dynamic remarketing, make sure your ad group, or its campaign, is attached to a feed.
  7. Add and save your images. To give you access to all our ad formats, images are required.  Having multiple assets is recommended, because it makes it easier for Google to optimize your ads. You can upload up to 15 marketing images and 5 logos. You can crop a single image to the landscape and square formats, or use separate images for each aspect ratio. Upload your images, scan them from your website, or select from our free library of professional stock images. You can also select from recently used images.
    • Landscape. If you choose the upload option, keep in mind that your landscape image should have a ratio of 1.91:1 and be greater than 600 x 314. The file size limit is 5MB.
    • Square. If you choose the upload option, keep in mind that your square (1:1) image should be greater than 300 x 300. The file size limit is 5MB.
    • Logo (optional). If you choose the upload option, keep in mind that your logo should be square (1:1) and should be 128 x 128 or greater. The recommended size for the square logo is 1200 x 1200. For best rendering, it is also recommended to add a landscape (4:1) logo, which should be 512 x 128 or greater. The recommended size for the landscape logo is 1200 x 300. For all your logos, a transparent background is best, but only if the logo is centered. The file size limit is 5MB.
    • Avoid text. Text may cover no more than 20% of the image. Note: To fit in some ad spaces, your image may be cropped horizontally—up to 5% on each side.
  8. Complete your ad information. You can create multiple headlines and descriptions to be rendered in your responsive display ads. You can upload multiple versions of the following:
    • Write a short headline (at least 1, or up to 5 headlines, of 30 characters or fewer). The short headline is the first line of your ad, and appears in tight ad spaces where the long headline doesn't fit. Short headlines may appear with or without your description.
    • Write a long headline (90 characters or fewer). The long headline is the first line of your ad, and appears instead of your short headline in larger ads. Long headlines may appear with or without your description. Note: When rendered in an ad, the long headline's length will depend on the site it appears on. If shortened, the long headline will end with ellipses.
    • Write a description (at least 1, or up to 5 descriptions). The description adds to the headline and invites people to take action. It can be up to 90 characters, and may appear after the (short or long) headline. Note: The length of the rendered description will depend on the site it appears on. If shortened, the description will end with ellipses.
    • Business name. This is the name of your business or brand.
    • Final URL. This is where people will go when they click on your ad.
    • Optional: Go to advanced URL options to add tracking or custom parameters to your URL.
    • Optional: Click MORE OPTIONS and select Call to action text. From the drop down menu (on the left) select a language and from the drop down menu (on the right) select a specific call to action text.  
    • Optional for dynamic responsive ads: promotion text (ex. “Free two-day shipping”) and price prefix.
  9. Preview the most popular sizes and ad formats of your potential ads. Since responsive display ads ads are built to reach across almost any ad space on the Display Network, they can show in thousands of layouts.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Wait at least a week after your ad is approved before you review its performance. Before that, your data is still incomplete.

* Nguồn: Google