Switch between the new and previous Google Ads experiences


We're building a new Google Ads experience, which is gradually rolling out to more advertisers. Learn how to tell which Google Ads experience you're using.

Once your account has access to the new experience, we'll send you an email letting you know. When you next sign in, you'll see a new look and an introductory tutorial to show you the highlights.
If you haven't gotten an email and you don't notice a new look for your account, your account does not yet have access. 

Once you have access, you can move back and forth between the two Google Ads experiences whenever you'd like. The one you used last will be remembered for the next time you sign in.

Your data remains the same regardless of which experience you choose to use. For instance, if you create a campaign in the new Google Ads experience, it will be in your account no matter whether you're viewing the new experience or the previous experience. 



Switch from the new Google Ads experience to the previous AdWords experience

The new Google Ads experience:

  1. Click the tools icon in the upper right corner of your account.
  2. Select Return to previous Google Ads.

Switch from the previous AdWords experience to the new Google Ads experience

The previous AdWords experience: 

  1. Click the gear icon Settings in the upper right corner of your account.
  2. Select Try the new Google Ads.

If you click a feature in the new Google Ads experience that isn’t available yet, it’ll open in the previous AdWords experience using a new browser tab. To return to the new Google Ads, just close the tab.

* Nguồn: Google