Press play on TrueView video ads: Google Best Practices


Follow this TrueView best practices guide to drive the best possible performance for your video ads. 

1. Set the stage for TrueView ads

  • Use TrueView in-stream and video discovery ads in the right contexts.

Why: These ads appear in different contexts. Those differences should be taken into account when optimizing your creatives and bids.

Get started: Create a TrueView video campaign in Google Ads.

  • Move beyond last-click attribution.

Why: It’s important to account for all of the digital touchpoints that led to a conversion.

Get started: Review your attribution reports to understand the path to conversion.

Read more about how to define the right objectives for your TrueView video campaigns.

2. Capture attention with compelling TrueView ads

  • Make your TrueView ad's first five seconds count.

Why: After this, users can choose to watch or skip your TrueView in-stream ads.

Get started: Check out top performing YouTube ads for ideas on creating videos.

  • Use relevant images and text to increase CTR.

Why: Well-designed titles, descriptions and images for TrueView video discovery ads can lead to a positive impact on your CTR.

  • Use call-to-action overlays and cards to to drive people to your site or app.

Why: Make it easy for viewers to perform a specific action once they see your ad.

Get started: Create call-to-action overlays and cards in Google Ads.

Read more about how to create compelling video ad creatives.

3. Reach the most qualified audiences with YouTube

  • Use YouTube remarketing lists broadly across the Display Network.

Why: If your YouTube videos get a lot of distribution, they can be a powerful audience list for your broader display and video campaigns.

Get started: Create a video remarketing list.

  • Use Customer Match to create custom audience segments.

Why: You can reach your most valuable customers through customer match campaigns.

Get started: Upload an email list to create a Customer Match audience.

  • Extend remarketing with in-market audiences.

Why: You can drive new qualified traffic to your site and grow your remarketing lists.

Get started: Enable in-market audience targeting to your video campaign.

Read more about how to optimize your video audience lists.

4. Track and optimize YouTube ads

  • Use video analytics to fine tune your YouTube creatives and audiences.

Why: You can maximize your return on investment with these optimizations.

Get started: Measure your video performance with video analytics.

  • Set your video ad rotations to optimize automatically.

Why: With many creative tests running, it’s tough to keep track of all the moments of statistical significance. Let the system optimize towards the best performing video ads.

Get started: Update your video ad rotation settings.

Read more about how to track and optimize video ad performance.


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* Nguồn: Google