Set up high-quality business data feeds


Learn Google Ads feed best practices for driving the best outcomes from dynamic remarketing.

How do you achieve the best outcomes with dynamic remarketing? It all starts with a strong business data feed.

Include your full catalog of products with relevant images, titles and prices.

Your images, titles, descriptions and prices attributes are what your customers see first on your dynamic ad, so you want to get these business data feed attributes right. Better dynamic ads mean better click-through rates and conversion rates. Below are tips for including better images and descriptions:

  • Make sure your images are at high resolution, at least 300x300 pixels. Your images should also be simple and clear in your dynamic ad. Don’t use promotions, packages, watermarks, text or multiple products in your images since they distract users from the actual product.
  • Include the most important characteristics in titles and descriptions. If you’re a hotel advertiser, use complete property names like “Mountain View Hotels” and include descriptions that differentiate them from other items, such as “Close to San Jose Airport.”
  • Match the feed text to your landing page. If your dynamic ad contains “San Francisco Condos,” make sure that text is also on your website landing page. The same idea applies to images — if they're in your ads, they should appear on your site.
  • Add prices to pre-qualify potential customers and sale prices for discounts. If someone doesn’t like the price, they won’t click on your dynamic ad. By focusing on the most qualified customers, you’ll be able to bid more for the clicks that matter most.  
  • If your pricing remains consistent, consider using the “Formatted Price” attribute to display more user-friendly prices. Note that this feature isn't available for Google Merchant Center. Below is an example from a flights advertiser:
    Advertiser Price Formatted Price
    Flights advertiser 300.00 USD as low as $300

    This is what it might look like in the dynamic remarketing ad:

  • If you have limited-time sales, make sure your business data feed shows the correct price during the sales.
  • Take advantage of industry-specific attributes in your ads. For example, you can customize dynamic ad templates with ratings for hotels or salaries for jobs. You can do this using the Ad Gallery in your Google Ads account.

Example: Let’s say you’re an online hotel booking website. Below are a few optional items and some required items* to include in your Hotel and rentals feed:

Property Name* Destination name* Description* Price* Formatted Price
11111 Chiang-Mai Spa Hotel 100.00 USD Starting at $100
22222 Bangkok Thailand Hotel 200.00 USD Starting at $200
33333 Krabi Beach Resort 300.00 USD Starting at $300

This is what it might look like in the dynamic remarketing ad:

*Asterisk indicates a required business data feed attribute


Now that you've set up your data feeds, your next step is to provide complete dynamic remarketing product data. If you have hundreds of products or services in your inventory, focus your efforts on top performing items to drive the most impact on performance.

Prioritize your bestsellers and provide complete product data for those items.

When optimizing business data feeds, start out with your high-value and high-volume items.

Be sure to provide information for all columns in your business data feed-required and optional attributes. The more information you provide, the better the system will get at optimizing dynamic ad layouts to drive performance. While the 'property type', 'category' or 'contextual keywords' attributes aren’t displayed in your dynamic ad, they help the product recommendation engine show the most relevant products in your dynamic ads. This helps influence a larger purchase.

Example: A real estate advertiser might fill out the following attributes for ‘property type’ or ‘contextual keywords.’

Property type Contextual keywords
house train station
apartment 2 beds


Last but not least, items in your feed won’t be reviewed and updated until you have a fully activated Google Ads structure. Make sure you have an active campaign, ad group, creative and feed to trigger a business data feed review and start showing your dynamic ads.


Congratulations, you’ve put together your first business data feed! Next, you need to keep your business data feed fresh and updated on a regular basis.

Maintain an accurate, compliant and updated feed.

Use scheduled updates to automatically refresh your business data feed on a regular basis, or however often your inventory changes. Pay close attention to the required feed attributes. The system disapproves inaccurate or incomplete feeds after 30 days. You can check your feed summary and data quality in Google Merchant Center or the “Business data” section of Google Ads for these common dynamic remarketing issues:

  • Your website URL isn’t verified
  • Required attributes missing
  • Non-working destination URLs (ex. 404 errors)
  • Violation of our advertising policies (top feed violations include adult content, health and alcohol)

What about multiple languages and currencies? If your website offers multiple languages and currencies, create a separate feed per language and currency pair. The business data feed allows only one currency at a time.

If two countries share the same language and currency, you can expand your location targeting to include both countries on your existing feed and campaign.


Recommendation Settings
Separate feed and campaign

-Location targeting: Madagascar
-Language: French
-Currency: Malagasy ariary

Same feed and campaign -Location targeting: France, Monaco
-Language: French
-Currency: Euro

Lastly, make sure your ads and content comply with Google’s policies and any relevant laws in your targeted locations.


Behind every good dynamic remarketing campaign is a strong business data feed. Get started with dynamic remarketing today to show ready-to-buy customers tailored ads and drive better results.

Looking for more remarketing or creative tips? Check out our remarketing guide Reach Past Visitors with Display Remarketing-these best practices apply to both standard and dynamic remarketing.

And for display creative best practices, you can check out our guide Create Effective Display Ads.

Happy remarketing!


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* Nguồn: Google