About expanded text ads

We recently made changes to text ads so that you have more room to convey your message to customers. Now, you can:
  • Add a third headline
  • Add a second description
  • Use up to 90 characters for each description
Here’s an example of an expanded text ad that shows the optional third headline and second description:
Comprehensive Insurance | Protect Yourself on a Budget | Get Your Free Quote Today
Ad www.example.com/insurance
Get affordable & trustworthy insurance. 10% discount on all online quotes. Easily compare insurance plans side-by-side in just a few seconds.


To get started with using the new optional fields, try adding a third headline and a second description to your existing text ads.

For example, if you’re a retailer using two headlines that show your brand name and official site, you can add a third headline showing shipping details, promoting special offers, or a call to action for customers to buy your product or service.

Expanded text ads overview

Expanded text ads are similar to the text ads that you’re used to, but with a few key differences. 

  1. Expanded text ads have three headline fields. The first two headline fields are required, while the third is optional. The extra headline field allows you to include additional text in your ads. You can use up to 30 characters per headline. The headlines will appear next to each other, separated by a vertical pipe ("|"). Depending on the size of your potential customer’s screen, they may wrap to a second line. The third headline can appear more often on wide mobile devices.
  2. Expanded text ads also have two 90-character description fields, giving you more control over your ad’s messaging.
  3. The domain of your display URL is based on your final URL domain. Google Ads will use the domain from your final URL and show it as your ad’s display URL. For example, if your final URL is www.example.com/outdoor/hiking/shoes, your ad’s display URL will show as www.example.com.
  4. The display URL can include two optional “Path” fields. You can combine your display URL with up to two new optional ”Path” fields. These fields are added to the display URL after your website’s domain, so you can add text that will help people who see your ad get a better sense of where they’ll be taken when they click it. The text you put in the path fields doesn’t necessarily have to be part of your website’s URL, but it should be related to the content on your landing page. So if your final URL is www.example.com/outdoor/hiking/shoes, you might want your path text to be “Hiking” and “Shoes” so your ad’s display URL is www.example.com/Hiking/Shoes.
  5. Expanded text ads are mobile-optimized. A preview of your ad in both desktop and mobile format is generated for you while you’re creating your expanded text ad.

Expanded text ads are available on both the Google Search Network and the Google Display Network. Ad extensions (both automatic and manual) are fully compatible with expanded text ads, too. Learn more about writing effective text ads

Frequently asked questions

How do expanded text ads work on mobile?

Expanded text ads are designed to look great across all devices, including mobile devices. As a result of this flexibility, expanded text ads do not support a device preference setting. In order to have more control over how often your ad appears across different devices, try out device bid adjustments.

Are expanded text ads available for Display Network campaigns?

Yes. To create an expanded text ad for the Display Network, select Text ad at the "All campaigns" level. You can also copy and paste expanded text ads from Search Network campaigns to Display Network campaigns.

Also consider using responsive ads instead of expanded text ads for your Display Network campaigns. Responsive ads can show as several different formats – including text ads – helping you reach people better across apps and sites on the Google Display Network. Learn more

What are the character limits for expanded text ads fields?

The headline fields for expanded text ads support up to 30 characters each. The description fields support 90 characters each, and the path fields can be up to 15 each. Each character in a double width language like Korean, Japanese, or Chinese counts as two characters instead of one towards these limits. Learn more

What happens to my display URL if my final URL has a subdomain?

In most scenarios, if your final URL has a subdomain, it will be added to your display URL. In rare scenarios, your subdomain may not be added to your display URL. For example, if your subdomain uses a trademarked term, your display URL may not include your subdomain.

Will all of the text in my expanded text ad show when my ad shows?

Usually when your ad shows, all the ad text that you’ve entered in headline 1, headline 2, and description 1 fields will show along with it. The third headline and second description fields are optional fields that can show when there is enough space, but are not guaranteed to always show. In some situations, Google Ads needs to shorten your text, usually with an ellipsis (“...”). For example:

  • If you use call extensions, the “Call” button may take the place of some of your ad text.
  • If your ad text frequently uses wider characters (like “m”) instead of narrower characters (like “i”), your headline text may be wider than the space available for it on some browser sizes. With most Latin languages, you can avoid this by limiting your combined headline character count to 33 characters total. 
  • If your expanded text ads show on the Google Display Network, “Headline 2” may not show in some ad formats.

If you have text that should appear in every ad (such as a legal disclaimer), then you must include that information in either headline 1, headline 2, or description 1 fields. 

What’s the difference between the display URL, final URL, landing page URL, and path fields?

Your final URL (or landing page URL) reflects the page that the user ends up on after clicking your ads. Your display URL is the URL shown in green on your ad below the headline and above the description. It’s made up of the domain from your final URL plus any content you’ve added in the ad’s path fields.

Can I create and edit expanded text ads in bulk?

You can edit multiple text ads at once with bulk editing. You can also select multiple ads and pause, enable, or remove them via the Edit menu.

Bulk upload via spreadsheet is also available for expanded text ads. Get started

Using Google Ads Editor

You can also create and edit expanded text ads in bulk using Google Ads Editor. Learn more

How do I fix an error when creating or editing expanded text ads?

If you received an error message when trying to save your ad, this typically means that the text in the ad has to be changed to meet one or more of the Google Ads policies. Here are some tips:

  • Use the correct character limit for each field
  • Check the proper use of punctuation and symbols
  • Make sure your ad text doesn't have incorrect grammar or spelling

Learn more about Google Ads Editorial policies

* Nguồn: Google