Smart Bidding: Definition


A subset of automated bid strategies that optimize for conversions or conversion value. Smart Bidding uses machine learning to optimize your bids to maximize conversions and conversion value across your campaign or bidding portfolio. Target CPA, Target ROAS, Max Conversions, and Enhanced CPC are all Smart Bidding strategies.

In addition to machine learning capabilities, Smart Bidding has 3 other key benefits:

  • A wide range of signals to tailor bids to someone’s unique context. These include device, location, time of day, remarketing lists, browser, language, and more. Learn more about bidding signals.
  • Flexible controls that allow you to set performance targets to steer bidding performance and optimize search bids to your chosen attribution model.
  • Transparent reporting and status updates to help you test how well Smart Bidding works for you and understand what’s going on under the hood of your bid strategies.

* Nguồn: Google