View your demographic reports


Gain insights about which demographic groups your ads are reaching by viewing your demographics reports. Learning about the groups that bring you conversions can help you:

  • Understand your customer base
  • Understand areas of growth potential
  • Assess your campaigns and ad groups
  • Make informed adjustments to advertising strategy
  • Manage and analyze multiple demographic targeting methods

Before you begin

This article explains how to view your demographics reports and how to use that data to boost your success. For an informational article, start with About demographics targeting.


Anna, who runs an online shoe store, wants to understand overall how her ads are doing with the demographic targets she selected. In the demographic chart, she can select "Clicks," "Conversions," or "Impressions" to see how her ads are performing across all targeting groups, compared to her advertising goals. Because the chart shows that her ads are viewed mostly by males, by 25- to 34-year-olds, and by people who aren't parents, Anna could use these insights to tailor her ad campaigns to these specific audiences.

Display demographic chart


Depending on the data most important to your goals, you can see demographic charts for clicks, conversions, or impressions.

How to view single demographic reports

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Click Campaigns, and then click the Display Network tab for Display or the Audiences tab for Search.
  3. Click the Demographics tab.
  4. Click Gender, Age, or Parental status to select a demographic targeting method.
  5. Click either Ad group view or Campaign view.

    With “Ad group view,” you get a detailed view of the demographic targeting for each ad group in the same campaign. With “Campaign view,” you get a detailed view of the demographic targeting across all of the ad groups in a campaign.

    If you clicked “All campaigns” after signing into your account, you’ll see the “Ad group view” and “Account view” buttons on the Demographics tab.

How to view cross-demographic reports

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Click Campaigns, and then click the Display Network tab for Display or the Audiences tab for Search.
  3. Click the Demographics tab.
  4. Next to View demographic combinations, click ON.
  5. On the “Select targeting” dropdown menu, click Gender, Age, or Parental status to select a demographic targeting method.
  6. Add more demographic targeting methods. You can see the demographic targeting methods you selected the next time you turn on “View demographics combinations.”
  7. Click either Ad group view or Campaign view.

    With “Ad group view,” you get a detailed view of the demographic targeting for each ad group in the same campaign. With “Campaign view,” you get a detailed view of the demographic targeting across all of the ad groups in a campaign. If you clicked “All campaigns” after signing into your account, you’ll see the “Ad group view” and “Account view” buttons on the Demographics tab.


To hide the charts, click Demographics, and a one-line summary of your selected demographic targets will show.

* Nguồn: Google