Get impression share data


Impression share shows you how the performance of your ads compares with the performance of others’ ads.

This metric is calculated by taking the number of impressions your ad received divided by the total number of impressions your ad was eligible to receive.

This article shows you how to view impression share data, what metrics to look at, and more info on how impression share works.

Before you begin

If this article is your first intro to impressions share, take a moment to read About impression share.


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  1. Sign in to your AdWords account.
  2. Click the Campaigns tab.
  3. Click the Columns button above your statistics table, then choose "Modify columns" from the drop-down.
  4. Click Competitive metrics, then add the Impression share columns you are interested in.
  5. Click Save. Impression share data will now appear in your statistics table.
  6. To download the data in a report, click the download button download icon in the toolbar above the table.

Other ways to view impression share

  • View impression share data for specific ad groups and keywords by enabling the "Impression share" column on the Ad groups and Keywords tabs.
  • For Shopping campaigns, you can view impression share data on the Campaigns, Ad Groups, or Product Groups tabs.
  • Use the Report Editor to create a custom table or chart that includes impression share data. Learn more about the Report Editor.

What metrics to look at

Here are some metrics to help you understand your impression share:

  • Search impression share: The impressions you’ve received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive.

  • Display impression share: The impressions you’ve received on the Display Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive.

  • Search Lost IS (budget): The percentage of time that your ads weren't shown on the Search Network due to insufficient budget. This data is available at the campaign level only.

  • Display Lost IS (budget): The percentage of time that your ads weren't shown on the Display Network due to insufficient budget. This data is available at the campaign level only.

  • Search Lost IS (rank): The percentage of time that your ads weren't shown on the Search Network due to poor Ad Rank in the auction. Note: Lost IS (rank) won't be shown on your Ad groups tab if you ran out of budget at any point during the date range being examined.

  • Display Lost IS (rank): The percentage of time that your ads weren't shown on the Display Network due to poor Ad Rank. Note: Lost IS (rank) won't be shown on your Ad groups tab if you ran out of budget at any point during the date range being examined.

  • Search Exact match IS: The impressions you've received divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive on the Search Network for search terms that matched your keywords exactly (or were close variants of your keyword). Not available for Shopping campaigns.

Keep in mind

  • Impression share metrics are reported separately for each campaign type and aren’t aggregated across the account.
  • All impression share metrics are updated once per day. Impression share metrics for Search Network and Display Network campaigns are updated at approximately 1pm Pacific Time [GMT-8], while Shopping campaigns are updated at approximately 2pm Pacific Time [GMT-8]. As a result, the impression share data you see won’t reflect the current day, and it may not include the previous day's impression share as well (if you are running your report before 1pm). For example, impression share data for Monday won’t be available until after 1pm on Tuesday.
  • Data for impression share columns for Search Network and Display Network campaigns is available from October 2012 to the present. Impression share for Shopping campaigns is available from September 2013 to present, except for "Search Lost IS (budget),” which is available from November 2014.

* Nguồn: Google