About Search Network campaigns in the new Google Ads experience

This article only applies to the new Google Ads experience. Determine which Google Ads experience you’re using.

Ads in a Search Network campaign appear near Google search results and other Google sites when people search for terms that are relevant to your ad’s keywords. For example, say you run a local music school. A Search Network campaign lets you show your text ads to high-potential customers right when they’re searching for "guitar lessons."

This article explains how Search Network campaigns work.

How it works

Ads are matched to search results pages based on the terms or phrases someone searches. For example, a search on Google for "home plumbing repair" might show an ad that uses that phrase as a keyword.

Search Network campaigns are usually focused on getting people to take action such as clicking your ad or calling your business. These campaigns show ads to people who are actively seeking out information. When someone is intentionally seeking out a product or service like yours, they're much more likely to find your ad helpful, and click it.

A Search Network campaign may be a good option for you if you meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • You want your ads to appear near Google search results
  • You only want to reach customers searching for your specific product or service

If you also want to reach customers when they visit sites across the web, consider creating a Search Network campaign with Display Expansion

Goals for Search Network campaigns

To create a Search Network campaign, begin by selecting a goal based on the actions you’d like your customers to take. Your campaign goal will optimize the features and settings in your campaign to help you meet your campaign's marketing objective.

The goals to use when creating Search Network campaigns are:

  • Sales
  • Leads
  • Website traffic

Keep in mind that all campaign settings and features will be available to you despite what goal you choose, and you can always change, or choose not to use a goal. Learn more About goals in the new Google Ads experience

* Nguồn: Google