Capture mobile shoppers with your Shopping campaigns


Consumers increasingly turn to mobile devices for inspiration, information, and the final purchase. To capture mobile shoppers, It’s more critical than ever for advertisers to have a comprehensive mobile presence.

Focus on these 4 key principles to build a strong Shopping campaign strategy for mobile.

1. Create a frictionless mobile shopping experience

  • Use mobile-optimized landing pages or responsive design.

Why: Ensure that your website is always configured and displayed in the best format to create a better shopping experience for your customers.

Get started: Test your landing page with the Mobile-Friendly Test.

  • Decrease page loading times.

Why: Users will bounce from a website if it takes too long to load.

Get started: Use the PageSpeed Insights tool to analyze load times and improve your page speed.

  • Remove popups or other interstitials.

Why: Shoppers will grow frustrated if they come across popups, registration requirements, or other interstitials before they can continue onto your product landing page.

Get started: Help users access your content on mobile with these techniques.

  • Reduce buying friction.

Why: Shoppers are more likely to purchase if they can quickly find what they want to buy, get the information they need to make an informed decision, and easily complete the transaction.

Get started: Use third-party tools and services like Android Pay to accelerate mobile checkout flow.

Read more about how to create an ideal end-to-end mobile shopping experience.

2. Be competitive on mobile

  • Set the right mobile bid.

Why: Top results drive more clicks on mobile so optimize your bids to make sure your ads are ranking higher on products to capture mobile shoppers.

Get started: Learn how to determine the right bid adjustment modifiers by device.

  • Layer eCPC on top of your mobile bid adjustment modifiers.

Why: eCPC improves mobile conversions by an average of 6% for the same cost.1

Get started: Set up enhanced CPC for Shopping campaigns.

  • Drive mobile shoppers to local stores.

Why: Mobile shoppers are often on-the-go. Take advantage of this opportunity to drive your mobile traffic to your physical stores. 

Get started: Use local Inventory Ads to highlight local information to mobile users

  • Differentiate your mobile Shopping ads.

Why: Since mobile shoppers are searching and viewing your ads on smaller displays, differentiating your mobile ads from other retailers’ becomes even more important.

Get started: Show promotions or discounts to entice your mobile shoppers with Merchant Promotions.

Read more about ways to stay ahead on mobile.

3. Evaluate your mobile Shopping campaign performance

  • Properly assess your Shopping campaign performance on mobile.

Why: Accurately valuing your mobile performance will help you build a better strategy to capture mobile shoppers.

Get started: Segment a performance report by device for a deeper view at the ad or product group level.

  • Uncover opportunities to be competitive in the auction.

Why: You can improve your mobile performance by looking at your metrics compared to benchmarks based on other advertisers who are participating in the same auctions as you are.

Get started: Pay attention to click share and use Auction Insights to better understand your performance.

  • Evaluate the complete path to purchase.

Why: Simply looking at the number of conversions by device type may not provide a clear picture of your mobile customers’ entire shopping journey.

Get started: Review your cross-device attribution reports to evaluate activity across devices.

  • Understand your mobile shoppers’ behavior.

Why: Use these insights to inform your optimizations and make strategic decisions about your Shopping campaigns on mobile.

Get started: Link your Google Ads account with Google Analytics to uncover insights on mobile behavior.

Read more about assessing and optimizing for mobile performance.

4. Stay ahead of mobile trends

  • Use the Consumer Barometer.

Why: You can gain an advantage by staying on top of and capitalizing on changing mobile consumer behavior.

Get started: Explore the Consumer Barometer for the latest mobile shopping trends.

  • Follow current research, news and insights about mobile advertising.

Why: Being informed of the latest mobile trends is crucial for success in a mobile-first world.

Get started: Follow Think with Google to stay up-to-date with the latest mobile trends.

  • Step into your customer’s shoes by shopping on your own mobile device.

Why: By going through the steps of researching and purchasing a product on your phone, you can uncover more opportunities to capture mobile shoppers.

Read more about uncovering trends on mobile.


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1 Google internal data, 2016

* Nguồn: Google