Drive sales with Gmail ads: Google Best Practices


Gmail ads let you reach people in places where they spend a lot of time -- their inboxes. From targeting to creatives, learn how to drive the best possible performance from your Gmail ads campaigns.

1. Show your Gmail ads to the right people

  • Use keyword and purchase intent targeting to reach new customers.

Why: You can reach people that are likely prospects or ready to convert.

Get Started: Add keywords you’d like to target in the Audience keyword targeting section.

  • Use email lists to re-engage customers.

Why: Customer Match can help you reach your most valuable customers with tailored ads and bids.

Get Started: Upload an email list to Google Ads and target this audience in a campaign.

  • Use similar audiences with Gmail to reach prospects who are like your customers.

Why: Similar Audiences with Gmail can expand your reach by 2x to highly qualified users.1

Get Started: Create a separate ad group and enable similar audiences under targeting.

Read more about showing your Gmail ads to the right people.

2. Entice people to click on your collapsed ads

  • Front-end your most important call-to-actions or promotions.

Why: On average, only the first 40-45 characters of your description will appear on mobile Gmail ads.

Get Started: Add a description with the most important information upfront.

  • Highlight time-sensitive promotions or events.

Why: Your audience is already looking for discounts in Gmail’s Social and Promotions tabs.

Get Started: Add time-sensitive copy to the subject and description. 

  • Tap into past email marketing campaigns.

Why: Don’t reinvent the wheel if you already have top performing subject lines or images that you can reuse in your Gmail ads.

Read more about enticing people to click on your collapsed ads.

3. Design an expanded ad that converts

  • Use Gmail ad templates.

Why: Gmail ad templates are mobile-optimized and often perform better than custom HTML templates.

Get Started: Select a Gmail ad template and test different versions for the best performing.

  • Design your expanded ad like a landing page.

Why: Well-designed landing pages can help guide a potential customer to convert.

Read more about designing an expanded ad that converts.

4. Optimize your Gmail ads for success

  • Review Gmail ads specific metrics to track campaign health.

Why: Identify opportunities to further optimize and refine your campaign.

Get Started: Add Gmail metrics in the Reporting tab to view Gmail specific metrics.

Read more about optimizing your Gmail ads for success.


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1Source: Calculated median from internal Google data, March 2015.

* Nguồn: Google