About Keyword Planner

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Keyword Planner is a free Google Ads tool for new or experienced advertisers that’s like a workshop for building new Search Network campaigns. You can use Keyword Planner to search for keywords and see how a list of keywords might perform. Keyword Planner can also help you choose competitive bids and budgets to use with your campaigns. 

This article goes over the ways you can use Keyword Planner to lay the groundwork for a successful campaign.


You can use Keyword Planner to accomplish the following tasks:

  • Research keywords. Need help finding keywords to add to a new campaign? Or, maybe you want to find additional keywords to add to an existing campaign. You can search for keywords based on terms that are relevant to your product or service, website, or landing page.
  • Get historical statistics and traffic forecasts. Use statistics like search volume to help you decide which keywords to use for a new or existing campaign. Forecasts, like predicted clicks and estimated conversions, can give you an idea of how a list of keywords might perform for a given bid and budget. These forecasts can also help guide your decision on which bids and budgets to set.

It's important to keep in mind that while Keyword Planner can provide some great keyword ideas and traffic forecasts, campaign performance depends on a variety of factors. For example, your bid, budget, product, and customer behavior in your industry can all influence the success of your campaigns.


As you use Keyword Planner, remember to keep our tips for building the best keyword list in mind. 

How to search for new keywords

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account. 
  2. In the upper right corner, click the tools icon , then under "Planning," click Keyword Planner
  3. Type or paste one or more of the following in the "Find new keywords" search box and, on your keyboard, press “Enter” after each one:
    • Words or phrases that describe what you're advertising.
    • The URL of a webpage or entire website related to your business.
  4. Click Get started to get new keyword ideas and historical statistics, like average monthly searches or competition data. 

With your results, you can use the Keyword ideas page to:

  • Filter your results by keyword text, average monthly searches, top of page bid (low range), top of page bid (high range), competition, organic impression share, ad impression share, or exclude keywords already in your account.
  • See search volume data for your keyword ideas by date range.
  • See visualizations broken down by search volume trends, platforms, and locations. 
  • Download keyword ideas.
  • Add keywords to your plan to get forecasts broken down by location, language, or network settings.

How to get forecasts and historical metrics for your keywords

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account. 
  2. In the upper right corner, click the tools icon , then under "Planning," click Keyword Planner
  3. In the "Get metrics and forecasts for your keywords" search box, enter or paste a list of keywords, separated by commas or line breaks.
  4. Click Get started to see your forecasts.
  5. To see your historical statistics, like average monthly searches or competition data, click Historical metrics at the top of the page. 

With your results, you can use the Forecasts page to:

  • Get updated keyword forecasts based on potential bids.
  • Sort your results by clicks, cost, match type, impressions, CTR, or average CPC.
  • Customize your forecasts by date range to see how seasonality affects traffic.
  • Visit the Plan overview page to see forecasts for top keywords, locations, and devices.
  • Download plan forecasts in an Google Ads Editor-friendly format. 

With your results, you can use the Historical metrics page to:

  • See historical statistics for your keyword ideas by date range.
  • Download historical statistics of the keywords in your plan.

Learn more about forecasts and historical metrics

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* Nguồn: Google