Use callout extensions


Callouts can improve your text ads by promoting unique offers to shoppers, like free shipping or 24-hour customer service. When customers see your ads, they get detailed information about your business, products, and services.


How they show

2 to 6 callouts show in addition to the text of your ad. Ads with callout extensions can show at the top and bottom of Google search results. When callout extensions show, they appear below your ad copy. 


This is an example of how a callout extensions might appear on a computer:

ACME Electronics - Competitive Pricing
Shop ACME Electronics For Laptops, Smartphones, Video Games, And More.
Free Shipping · 24-7 Customer Service · Price Matching


  • Highlight your business offerings: Promote popular or unique aspects of your business.
  • Update without changing your ads: Change your callout text whenever you want, keeping your ads up-to-date with sales and special offers. Plus, you can edit your callouts without resetting their performance statistics.
  • Flexibility: Specify the dates, days of the week, or times of day your callouts are eligible to show.

Before you begin

Campaign types: Callout extensions can be added to Search Network campaigns and Search Network campaigns that have opted into the Display Network.

Character limits: Callout text is limited to 25 characters in most languages, or 12 characters in double-width languages (like Chinese, Japanese, and Korean).


The new Google Ads experience is now the exclusive way for most users to manage their accounts. If you’re still using the previous AdWords experience, choose “previous” below. Learn more


Create callout extensions 

  1. Sign in to your AdWords account.
  2. Choose the campaign or ad group you’d like to add callouts to, or stay at the "All campaigns" level to add callouts at the account level.
  3. Click the Ad extensions tab.
  4. Select View: Callout extensions from the drop-down menu.
  5. Next to the “Callout settings” link, click Edit.
    • If you’re creating callouts at the ad group level, choose Use ad group callout to create callouts specifically for the ad group.
  6. You'll see all the callouts that are in this account.
    • To use an existing callout, find the callout in the list and click the arrow to select it. A minimum of two callouts are required for them to show with your ad, so select at least 2–4.
    • To create a new callout, click the New button below the list of existing callouts. Enter the new callout text in the window that appears.
  7. Click Save.

Edit callout extensions

  1. Choose the campaign or ad group that has the callout you'd like to edit, or stay at the "All campaigns" level to edit callouts at the account level.
  2. Click the Ad extensions tab.
  3. Select View: Callout extensions from the drop-down menu.
  4. In the “Callout extension settings” section, click Edit.
  5. You'll see a list of all the callouts available. Click the arrow next to the callout you want to edit.
  6. In the “Selected callouts:” list, click the pencil icon Edit.
  7. Make changes to the callout you selected.
  8. Click Save. Your change will apply to the callout text for all ad groups and campaigns that share the callout.

Schedule callout extensions

  1. Choose the campaign or ad group that has the callout you'd like to edit, or stay at the "All campaigns" level to edit callouts at the account level.
  2. Click the Ad extensions tab.
  3. Select View: Callout extensions from the drop-down menu.
  4. In the “Callout extension settings” section, click Edit.
  5. You'll see a list of all the extensions. Click the arrow next to the callout you want to schedule.
  6. You'll see a pencil icon Edit and a down arrow next to your callout in the Selected callouts list. Click the pencil icon Edit.
    • Keep in mind that any change you make affects all campaigns or ad groups sharing this callout. To make the change only for this campaign, click the down arrow, then click Copy and edit.
  7. In the window that appears, click the Start/end dates, scheduling section for your callout.
  8. Start/end dates: Click inside the start and end date boxes to choose when the callout should appear with your ads.
  9. Scheduling: Set the days of the week and times of day your callout should appear. All times are in the timezone of your account.
  10. Click Save.

Remove callout extensions

  1. Choose the campaign or ad group that has the callout you'd like to remove, or stay at the "All campaigns" level to remove callouts at the account level.
  2. Click the Ad extensions tab.
  3. Select View: Callout extensions from the drop-down menu.
  4. In the “Callout extension settings” section, click the plus sign + to expand the section.
  5. You'll see all the callouts in the account, campaign, or ad group. Scroll to the appropriate level, hover your cursor over the set of callouts that contains the one you'd like to remove, and click the pencil icon Edit that appears in the upper corner.
  6. Under the “Selected callout extension heading”, click the arrow next to each extension you'd like to remove from the campaign or ad group. If you're removing the callout from the account or campaign levels, this will remove the callout for all ad groups under the account or campaign, as well.
  7. Click Save.


  • Choose Use campaign setting to use existing campaign-level callouts. Keep in mind that campaign-level callouts will be used for ad groups by default, so this option is only useful if you'd like to remove a previous setting.
  • Choose Disable callouts to remove ad group-level callouts and hide the campaign callouts for this ad group. This means that the ad group won't show your callouts.

How callouts work

There's no cost to add callout extensions, but you'll be charged as usual for clicks on your ad.

The order of your callouts, their length, and how they perform factor into how many callouts appear, and whether a callout will show for your ad.

Callout extensions at the ad group level

  • By default, an ad group uses callouts you've created at the account level.
  • If you create callouts at the campaign or ad group levels, those will override any callouts at the account or campaign levels, respectively.
  • You can also disable a callout for an ad group. This removes any callout you created in the ad group and stops any campaign-level callout from showing with those ads. In other words, no callout will show for the ad group.

Callout extensions on mobile devices

  • Callouts with the device preference set to mobile will be given preference over standard callouts on mobile devices.
  • Standard callouts will be given preference over mobile-optimized callouts of the same type on desktop and laptop computers.
  • If a campaign or ad group has only mobile-optimized callouts, these may show on desktop and laptop computers. To avoid this, we recommend having standard callouts of the same type as the mobile-optimized callouts in your campaign.

Best practices

  • Provide more general information that’s applicable to your entire business at the account and campaign levels, (like “24/7 phone support”), and provide more specific information at the ad group level (like “women’s skis” or “20% off cameras”).
  • Keep text short. Shorter text means more callouts can show in your ads. Try "Free shipping" instead of "We have free shipping." 
  • Be specific. Give customers detailed information so they can decide if you have what they’re looking for. Try "34 MPG max mileage" instead of "Great fuel economy."

* Nguồn: Google