About message reporting


Get detailed information and measure the performance of your message extensions with message reporting. You can track the number of messages exchanged, the duration of chats, the customer's area code, and more. You can then use that data to make more informed decisions about optimizing the performance of your message extensions. This article is about how message reporting works. To get details on how to interpret your messaging data, skip to Analyze message reporting data.

How it works

Message reporting—which is only available on the Search Network—uses Google forwarding numbers to measure the performance of your message extensions. When message reporting is turned on, Google will assign a Google forwarding phone number to your ad, which allows us to track and provide reporting on the performance of your messages. Google Forwarding numbers with message reporting are currently available in the US, Australia, Canada, Brazil, France, and the United Kingdom.

Here’s what happens when your ad runs with message reporting:

  1. A customer taps the message extension on your ad to send you a message. You’re charged for a click—the same CPC as if the customer were clicking on another part of your ad that goes to your website.
  2. The message is routed to your business through a Google forwarding number, which allows Google to track and report on the performance of your message extension.
  3. You can then review reporting insights about messages triggered by your ads, and optimize your campaigns based on that information.


An auto dealer notices that she’s gotten more messages since adding message extensions, and wants to better understand this message traffic. She turns on message reporting in her account settings. Reviewing the data, she sees that exchanges of more than four messages tend to lead to scheduled test drives, so she raises her bids on this campaign. Later, she sees that her longest chats are coming from people in the 402 area code, so she decides to target her ads to the corresponding region.

Turn on message reporting

If you're in an eligible country, you may see an alert about message reporting. You can turn on message reporting by:

  1. From the page menu on the left, click Settings, then click Account settings at the top.
  2. Expand the "Message reporting" section, and click On.
  3. Click Save.

To set up message extensions, go to Use message extensions.

About phone numbers

Whenever possible, Google forwarding numbers will share the same area code or prefix number as your business. In some cases, a local Google forwarding number may not be available. When this happens, your ad will show with a toll-free Google forwarding number instead. Google forwarding numbers are either toll-free, equivalent to a local number, or a local number. Google forwarding numbers are currently available in these countries.

Important: Since Google forwarding numbers associated with your message reporting are property of Google, they can change or be reassigned. For that reason, you can't use your Google forwarding number outside of message reporting.

* Nguồn: Google