Set your default creator experience
You may recently have seen a notification that says, “The new YouTube Studio is your default experience now.” If you see this message, you’ll notice that YouTube Studio beta is now your default creator experience instead of Creator Studio Classic.
This new experience is designed to help creators manage and grow their channels more efficiently than Creator Studio Classic. Whenever you visit Creator Studio Classic, instead of seeing the classic experience that you’re familiar with, you’ll see YouTube Studio beta. You can change your settings to what you prefer and have Creator Studio Classic be your default experience again.
We're constantly adding classic and new features to YouTube Studio beta, but we understand there are some aspects of Creator Studio Classic that might be still missing for you. Let us know what you’re missing by using the Send Feedback button.
Change default creator experience
We know you can't do everything yet in the new YouTube Studio, or you may prefer Creator Studio Classic. To make sure you automatically get Creator Studio Classic whenever you sign in, follow these steps:
- On a computer, sign in to YouTube.
- Go to
- In the bottom left panel, click Settings.
- In the pop-up, select Creator Studio Classic > Save.
Switch from Creator Studio Classic to YouTube Studio beta
- On a computer, sign in to YouTube.
- Go to Creator Studio Classic.
- On the left panel, click on the blue YouTube Studio beta button.
You can also go directly to YouTube Studio beta by typing in a URL:
- On a computer, sign in to YouTube.
- Go to
Switch from YouTube Studio beta to Creator Studio Classic
To find features that are not currently in YouTube Studio beta, follow these steps:
- On a computer, sign in to YouTube.
- Go to
- In the bottom left panel, select Missing Features.
- You'll see a list of features that aren't yet available on YouTube Studio beta. Click on any of these features to go to that feature in Creator Studio Classic.
You can also switch back at any time using the Creator Studio Classic button
* Nguồn: Youtube