About relevance score


The relevance score metric aggregates various ad quality and relevance factors to give you an idea of how relevant your ads are to the people in your target audience compared to other ads that are targeting the same audience. These factors include positive feedback (e.g. clicks, App Installs, video views) and negative feedback (e.g. someone clicks "I don't want to see this" on your ad). It uses a 1-10 scale in which one means that your ad is much less relevant than other ads targeting the same audience, and ten means that your ad is much more relevant. You'll be able to see this score once your ad has had about 500 impressions.

It's important to note that the relevance score is an output, not an input. In other words, we aggregate the factors and convert them into the 1-10 scale in order to give you a general idea of your ad's relative relevance. However, when your ad enters an auction, the 1-10 number is not part of the "total value" calculation that determines which ad gets shown. Because of this (and the fact that the number is relative), we recommend not focusing too much on raising your relevance score. Raising it is not directly tied to improved performance. Instead, we recommend using it to get a sense of your ad's relevance, and then focusing on improving your targeting and creative.

For example, if your ad has a lower relevance score, but it is yielding results, there may not be much of a reason to change anything. By improving its creative and targeting, you may be able to drive costs even lower, but we don't recommend making changes just to raise your relevance score. We recommend making changes to get more of the results that you care about or to lower the cost of those results. If, in the process of doing that, your relevance score goes up, that's fine, but we recommend thinking of that as a by-product of your changes, not the goal of making them.

* Nguồn: Facebook