What are custom conversions and how do I use them?


You can use custom conversions if you can't add standard events to your website, or you want to split or customise standard or custom events placed on your website.

Using custom conversions instead of standard events

If you've implemented the base code across your website but not standard events, you can leave the code as is and create custom conversions using URL rules instead.

To create a custom conversion:

  1. Go to your custom conversions section
  2. Click Create Custom Conversion.
  3. Add the URL, or part of the URL, that represents your custom conversion (e.g. URL contains /thankyou.php for a thank you page after a purchase). This would be equivalent to using the Make purchase standard event. If you're using URL equals, make sure that you include the domain (e.g. www), too. Including "http" or "https" is unnecessary. See below:
  4. URL optionHow you'd set your ruleEquivalent standard event
    URL equalswww.mywebsiteurl.com/thankyou.php Purchase
    URL contains /thankyou.php Purchase

    Tip: If you're using other analytics tools, look at your page views list there and copy and paste the exact URL to avoid mistakes.

  5. Select a category and click Next.
  6. Give your custom conversion a name and description.
  7. Add a conversion value if applicable. For example, if you're selling tickets worth USD 10, then you'll type in "10" for this value. Note that conversion values need to be whole numbers and can't include any additional characters, such as a dollar sign. Including a conversion value allows you to view your return on advertising spend in your reports.
  8. Click Create > Done.
  9. You can now create your ad using the Website Conversions objective. Select your custom conversion to optimise for, and track, that conversion.

Using custom conversions to split standard events

If you're already using standard events but find that you need more customisation, custom conversions can help. For example, if you're a clothing business and you've been using the ViewContent standard event for all your products, but want to optimise for separate categories, you can split these out into custom conversions.

When creating your custom conversion, use the URL rules to create conversions for your different categories. In the example below, the URL rule allows for your ad to optimise only for people who view men's clothing.

If URL rules aren't suitable for your website, you can also create custom conversions from events and add parameters. Learn more.

  • The maximum number of custom conversions per ad account is 100, but you can delete ones that you no longer want to use and create new ones
  • You can't use custom conversions with dynamic product ads

* Nguồn: Facebook