Understand how location Pages are named


You cannot change the name of your location Pages. All of the location Pages connected to your main Page must have the same name. The default name for location Pages is the main Page's name (e.g. Jasper's Market), complemented by a location descriptor that tells people which shop the Page refers to.

The location descriptor is "(City)" by default, or "(Address, City)" if there are multiple locations in the same city (e.g. Jasper's Market (London) or Jasper's Market (510 High Street, London)).

You can edit the location descriptor from the Locations section of your Page's Settings if you have Admin permission for the main Page. Learn how to update the descriptor of your location Pages.

If you are an Admin, you can also create a username for your location Pages (e.g. JasperMarketDallas). Your Page's username will appear below your Page's name and in your Page's URL to help people find and remember your Page. Learn how you can add or change a Page's username.

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