Terms of use for lead ads and FAQs about security


You're asked to review and accept the Lead Ads Policy when you create a lead ad for the first time. Learn more about the complete Lead Ads Policy.

If you choose to use custom questions in your lead ads instant form , you'll also have to follow these guidelines.

See below for frequently asked questions related to the security of your lead ads data.


Will other advertisers receive my lead ad data?

No. Your lead ad data will only be provided to you to be accessed by one of your Page administrators. Users may, of course, choose to share the same or similar information through different lead ads that are created by other advertisers. Facebook will also use the information submitted by users through the lead ad, subject to our Data Policy.

Where is my lead ad data stored?

Your lead ad data is stored on Facebook's servers. Facebook operates large, distributed computing systems, where information is stored in many places at once. We have data centres in different geographic areas, each of which stores copies of the information in Facebook's databases. This distributed model helps us provide access to Facebook without long delays. The model also provides redundancy, ensuring that Facebook will continue to function even if a single data centre receives an unusually high amount of traffic, experiences a network problem or becomes unavailable for another reason. We also store emergency backups of Facebook data in multiple locations to protect against data loss.

We invest heavily in technologies, processes and teams of dedicated security staff to help ensure the security of our production data centres.

Who owns the lead ad data?

Lead ad data is provided to Facebook by individuals with their permission to share the data with a specific advertiser. Facebook uses the lead ad data according to its Data Policy, and the advertiser is permitted to use the data shared according to their own privacy policy and other relevant terms as disclosed in the ad.

What does Facebook do with the lead ad data?

Facebook may use lead ad data as permitted by its Data Policy including to pre-fill future instant forms that individuals may complete. Facebook does not use the data from advertiser's custom questions.

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is Facebook the data controller or data processor for lead ads?

In the case of lead ads, both Facebook and the advertiser are data controllers. As a result, both parties are responsible for ensuring compliance by providing notice and establishing a legal basis for processing the data provided by a person using our platform. The lead ads product gives advertisers an option to link to their privacy policies and terms related to the collection and use of personal data.

Is my Facebook ad account secure?

Facebook invests heavily in technologies to protect its customers' accounts. For added security on your advertising account, we offer free, optional security technologies such as login approvals, which is a "two-factor authentication" solution.

Does Facebook have a security incident response process?

Facebook has a detailed process for handling any security incidents, which includes a complete internal review of any incidents.

Learn how to download your leads on Facebook.

* Nguồn: Facebook