Deleted content in YouTube Analytics


Before May 2018, you could see the name or ID, and metrics of your deleted videos, playlists, and channels in YouTube Analytics and the YouTube Analytics API. After May 2018, YouTube Analytics will remove deleted videos, playlists, and channels from its interface, reports, and YouTube Analytics API when you request their deletion.

The changes after May 2018 include:

  • Analytics no longer shows deleted videos, channels, and playlists.
  • Analytics no longer shows information about deleted videos, playlists, and channels in exported reports.
  • Analytics no longer shows search results for deleted videos, playlists, and channels.
  • After deletion, the counter that shows the number of items per page will temporarily count deleted rows. This updates automatically after 48 hours. 

Although you can’t see information about deleted items in Analytics, data from deleted items will still be counted in aggregate stats and totals.

Aggregate numbers

When you add up the numbers in the tables in YouTube Analytics, they might not match the aggregate number for that date range if the range includes data about a deleted video, channel, or playlist. The aggregate numbers in Analytics include the metrics associated with deleted content, but Analytics will not show which videos, playlists, or channels contributed to that number or how much. To get an accurate number, please use the totals in YouTube Analytics.

* Nguồn: Youtube