Check your Google Partner status

If you have admin, standard or read-only access to your company’s Google Ads manager account, you can find your Google Partner status by going to the Partner program tab in your Google Ads manager account and looking at the Badge status card. Based on your Partner status, you can find out:
  • Whether your company has earned the Google Partner badge or Premier Google Partner badge
  • If your company is at risk of losing its badge
  • What requirements your company needs to meet to either earn or keep the badge
  • Whether your company has earned specializations
  • If your company is at risk of losing a specialization
  • What requirements your company needs to meet to either earn or keep a specialization

Before you begin

If you're not familiar with the requirements to qualify for Google Partner status, learn more about how to earn the Google Partner badge. If you’re not familiar with the specialization requirements, learn more about how to earn a specialization. 


How to check your Partner status

  1. Go to the Partners program tab.
  2. Find the Badge status card. You'll see whether your company has earned the Partner badge or Premier Partner badge or if your company is at risk of losing its badge. 
  3. To see more details about your company's Partner status, click View details. If your company hasn't earned the badge or is at risk of losing it, you'll see the requirements it needs to meet to earn or keep the badge. You’ll also see whether your company has earned any specializations or is at risk of losing a specialization. 

What your Partner status means

Partner status What it means
Not yet a Google Partner Your company hasn't earned the Partner badge or Premier Partner badge yet and hasn’t earned any specializations. Click on “View details” in the Badge status card to see the requirements your company needs to meet to earn the badge and specializations.  
Google Partner

Your company has earned the Partner badge. Your Badge status card will show your Partner badge and your specializations. Click on “View details” and select the “Partner badge” option. You will see green checks and the word “Achieved” by the badge requirements. You can add your badge to your website and marketing materials.

To download your badge, go to the Badge status card, click the three dot menu 3 dot menu icon, and then click Get badge assets.

Google Premier Partner

Your company has earned the Premier Partner badge. Your Badge status card will show your Premier Partner badge and your specializations. Click on “View details” and select the “Partner badge” option. You will see green checks and the word “Achieved” by the badge requirements.  

You can add your badge to your website and marketing materials.

To download your badge, go to the Badge status card, click the three dot menu 3 dot menu icon, and then click Get badge assets.

Badge at risk Your company is at risk of losing its Partner status because it has stopped meeting one or more of the requirements. If your company’s badge or specializations are at risk you will see a triangle with an exclamation mark and a message. Click on “View details” and select the option that is risk. You will see check marks and the words “Achieved” or “Not achieved” by each badge requirement. 

Learn more about the benefits of Google Partner status.

Badge and specializations at risk

As mentioned in the status table above, your company is at risk of losing its Partner badge or specialization status if it stops meeting one or more of the Partner requirements. You'll get a reasonable amount of time to make the changes and re-qualify for your badge.

Keep in mind that we may periodically update Partner qualifications, so you'll want to take note of any notifications about your Partner status that appear in your account.

Partner status lost

If your company isn't able to meet the Partner requirements, it will lose the following benefits:

  • Rights to use the Partner or Premier Partner badge
  • Company specializations
  • Rights to advertise Partner or Premier Partner status

Losing Partner status doesn't mean that your company is no longer a member of the Partners program.

Your company can continue to participate in the program and access other benefits of being a member, such as Google Ads promotional offers and access to Partners communities. 

Note: Keep in mind that Google's third-party policies apply to companies that are members of the Partners program and those that have qualified for the Partner badge. 

If your status has been lost, you may submit an appeal.

Frequently asked questions

How to help your company earn the Partner badge

Qualifying for Partner status is a collective effort, and a single individual can have a huge impact. To help your company become a Partner and earn the Partner or Premier Partner badge, be sure to do the following:

  • Certified users must share their information from Academy for Ads.
  • Users certified under personal emails must add a company email in Academy for Ads for proper attribution.
  • Certified users need admin or standard access to your company’s Google Ads manager account or sub-managers.

Note: If you’re using a personal email in your Academy for Ads account, you’ll need to add the company email that you’re using for your company’s manager account or sub-managers to your Academy for Ads user profile page. You can do this in the “company email” field. If you’re using your company email for your Academy for Ads account, be sure it’s the same email you’re using for your company’s manager account or sub-managers.

Allow 48 hours for changes to take effect.

When your company's Partner badge status isn't available

If you get a message saying that the status of your company's Partner badge isn't available, it could be because we don't have the most recent Partner badge requirement information. For example, if you recently completed an Google Ads certification in Academy for Ads, it can take up to 48 hours to include that change in the Partner badge assessment.

When your company isn't eligible to earn the Partner badge

If you get a message saying that your company isn't eligible to earn the Partner badge due to policy or Terms of Service violations, it could be because one or more of the following was violated:

Review the above policies and Terms of Services to make sure you understand all of the requirements. 

Related links

* Nguồn: Google