How to download the Google Partner badge


The Google Partner badge and the Premier Google Partner badge are granted to companies in the Google Partners program who have qualified for Partner status. This article contains information on how to download the Partner badge and guidelines for how you can use it.

Before you begin

If your company hasn't earned Google Partner status, read "How to earn the Google Partner badge" to learn more about the requirements.

About the Partner badges

There are 2 Partner badge formats, one that can be used on online properties (we call this the dynamic badge) and one that can be used on printed marketing materials (we call this the static badge).

Dynamic badge

The dynamic badge shows your company's name and specializations when someone hovers over the dots in the right corner. The dynamic badge must be used on your website and the additional domains that are listed on your Partners company profile. You'll add the badge to these websites using a code snippet.

Partners only looks for the unique code snippet — and not any other code that may be used on your site — when displaying the badge. Note that Partners follows Google's privacy policies when collecting and using information.

Static badge

The static badge lists the specializations your company has earned at the bottom. The static badge must be used in all marketing materials, and cannot be used on your websites. You'll download a .zip file with the badge assets.


How to download your Partner or Premier Partner badge

  1. Go to the Partners program tab.
  2. Find the Badge status card. 
  3. Click the three dot menu 3 dot menu icon, and then click Get badge assets.
  4. To get the code snippet for the dynamic badge click Download snippet. To get the assets for the static badge for marketing materials click on “Google Partner Badge”  

Note that it may take 24 to 48 hours for your badge to become available.

By default, the dynamic badge can appear on the website(s) that you added in your Company details card. . To show the badge on additional websites, go to the Partner program tab, find the “Company details” card, click on “View details” and select the “Badged websites” option to enter the additional website URLs.      

Related links

* Nguồn: Google