Blur your videos
Blur parts of your video on a computer.
Custom blurring
Click the Blurring effects tab > Custom blurring > Edit to blur objects or people as they move in your video. Click and drag a box over whatever you want to blur. The tool will automatically blur the object as it moves. You can also:
- Move the blurred box to a different place: Click and drag within the box.
- Resize the blurred area: Click and drag any corner of the box to blur a bigger or smaller area.
- Change when the blurring happens: Click and drag the ends of the timeline to set when the blurring begins and ends.
- Prevent the blurred area from moving at all: Click "Lock" in the timeline to make sure the blurred area always stays in the same place.
- Blur multiple areas: Click and drag new boxes over the parts you want to blur.
Blur faces
Click Blurring effects tab > Blur faces > Edit. You can use YouTube normally while we process your video.
- Once processing is complete, you’ll see thumbnails for each of the faces that the tool detected.
- Click the thumbnail(s) of the faces you’d like to blur.
- Save your changes in the existing video or as a new video.
* Nguồn: Youtube