Approved click measurement providers for interaction events


As part of our ongoing efforts to protect user privacy, Google has limited the number of click measurement providers that can be used to measure specific ad interaction events on Google-hosted properties. Impacted ad types include Showcase Shopping ads, local inventory ads (LIA), and Model Automotive ads

Note: This new approval only affects measurement for ad interaction events, and does not impact the measurement of usage, conversion events, or other activity on your website.

Which providers are approved?

Click measurement providers can measure clicks from your ads to your website, as well as other interaction events on Google-hosted sites for ads. While you may measure clicks to your website using a variety of providers, only a small group of them may be used to measure interaction events that occur on Google-hosted properties for Showcase Shopping Ads, local inventory ads and Model Automotive ads.

Kenshoo and Marin have been approved to provide this measurement functionality alongside Search Ads 360 (formerly DoubleClick Search). 

Learn more about measuring ad interactions on Google-hosted pages with click measurement providers

How to find and enable (unpause) your impacted ads

On October 31, 2018, the Google Ads team paused all ad groups making third-party calls to unapproved providers. Unless you requested for these ads to keep serving, this one-time pause ensures that your ads don't serve without measurement.

You can get your paused ads up and running again either individually (ad by ad) or in bulk by filtering. If you enable ads that have been paused due to the use of a unapproved click measurement provider, your ads will show as they did before. However, you will not regain full measurement capabilities.

Local inventory ads

Merchants using unapproved click measurement providers to measure local inventory ads will be automatically opted out of all local inventory campaigns. To restore serving ads for your local inventory campaigns, you must re-enable Local Shopping in your campaign settings.

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Click Campaigns from the page menu on the left, then click the name of the Shopping campaign you want to use for local inventory ads.
  3. Click Settings, then click Additional settings beneath “Shopping campaign settings”.
  4. Click “Local inventory ads” and check the box beside Enable ads for products sold in local stores.
  5. Click Save.

Showcase Shopping ads

Showcase Shopping ads are paused at the ad group level. The following instructions are for locating Showcase Shopping ads in the new version of Google Ads. If you’re using the previous version of AdWords, learn how to pause or resume your ads.  

Filter your table by Ad group

  1. From the page menu, click Ad groups.
  2. In the upper right corner of the table, click the filter icon Filter.
  3. Expand the “Attributes” drop-down panel and click Ad group type, then select "Shopping--Showcase".
  4. Click Apply. The table will update to only show items that match your filter.

Enable (unpause) your ads individually

  1. Locate the ad you'd like to enable.
  2. Click the grey dot Pause next to the ad. 
  3. From the menu, select Enable to resume your ad.

Enable (unpause) your impacted ads in bulk

  1. Follow the instructions to filter your table by specific Ad group type.
  2. Select the checkboxes next to the ads that you want to enable. 
  3. At the top of the table, click Edit.
  4. From the menu, select Enable to resume your ads.

Model Automotive Ads

Model Automotive ads are paused at the campaign level. Check the status of these campaigns on the "Settings" page in Google Ads, or contact your account manager. You can pause, resume, or remove a campaign.

Note: Unless you begin using an approved click measurement provider, your ads will run without measurement once you unpause them.
Your ads won't accrue charges while they're paused.

Related Links

Pause, resume, or remove a campaign

Pause or resume your ads

Pause or resume your ad groups

* Nguồn: Google