Understand differences between link clicks and outbound clicks


The metric outbound clicks measures the number of clicks leading people off Facebook-owned properties, while link clicks shows clicks to destinations on or off Facebook-owned properties. If you're using an ad format that opens into a full-screen experience, such as collection or Canvas, outbound clicks can provide more insight into the performance of your ads.

In this article:

About link clicks and outbound clicks

The metric link clicks reports the number of clicks on ad links to specified destinations or experiences, on or off Facebook-owned properties. For example, if someone clicks on a call-to-action button that takes them to a website or app store, we report this click as a link click. Below are more examples of possible link clicks:

  • Clicks on an image or a call-to-action button within an ad that uses the Traffic objective
  • Clicks on a URL link in the text description of an ad
  • Clicks on ad formats that take someone into a full-screen experience, such as lead forms, Canvas and collection
  • Clicks to websites and app stores directly from links in the ad on News Feed

Outbound clicks show the number of clicks on links that take people off Facebook-owned properties. If someone clicks from a full-screen experience (such as collection or Canvas) to a destination off Facebook-owned properties, this click will reported as an outbound click.

Below are a few examples of possible outbound clicks:

  • Clicks on a link or call-to-action button in an ad that direct people to a destination off Facebook-owned properties, such as a website, directly from News Feed
  • Clicks within ad formats (i.e. lead forms, Canvas and collection) that direct people to destinations off Facebook-owned properties
For example, when someone clicks the Canvas ad below, a full-screen experience opens where someone can scroll through content and images. We measure the click on the ad in News Feed as a link click and the subsequent click from within the full-screen experience leading out to the advertiser's website as an outbound click.

Overlap between link clicks and outbound clicks:

There are often scenarios when a click is reported as both a link click and outbound click. For example, when advertisers use a single image ad to drive traffic to a website, they can set up a call-to-action button directing people from the ad to their website. In this case, Facebook will report clicks on the call-to-action button or image as both a link click and an outbound click.

In contrast, when businesses use Canvas for their campaigns, people tap on an ad in their News Feed and then open a full-screen experience where they can scroll through products, content and images. When people click a link within the full-screen experience that directs to a website or any destination off Facebook-owned properties, we will only report the click as an outbound click.

Learn more: Using analysis and reporting tools to understand the performance of ads

* Nguồn: Facebook