Format a barcode for your offer ad


When creating an offer ad, you can upload barcodes so each person who saves your offer will have a different code to use when they redeem it.

Note: Barcodes are only available to use with offer ads.

Formatting guidelines for barcodes

The formatting guidelines for your barcode depend on which barcode you want to add to your offer ad. Choose a barcode below to learn about its formatting rules.

1. CODE128

You can use the following characters in your CODE128 barcodes:

  • Digits 0-9
  • Upper and lowercase English alphabet (A-Z, a-z)
  • Spaces, back quotes and the following special characters:

    ! ? . , " # $ % & ' ( ) * + - / : ; < = > @ [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~

Make sure that each of your CODE128 barcodes has:

  • 100 characters or fewer
  • Only uses the USD currency symbol ($), if applicable
2. CODE128B

CODE128B has the same formatting guidelines as CODE128. The only difference is that CODE128B barcodes are often used when lowercase letters are needed because it can render a barcode that's easier to scan. You can use the following characters in your CODE128B barcodes:

  • Digits 0-9
  • Upper and lowercase English alphabet (A-Z, a-z)
  • Spaces, back quotes and the following special characters:

    ! ? . , " # $ % & ' ( ) * + - / : ; < = > @ [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~

Make sure that each of your CODE128B barcodes has:

  • 100 characters or fewer
  • Only uses the USD currency symbol ($), if applicable
3. EAN

EAN barcodes are made up of only numbers and include what's called a check digit at the end. This digit "checks" that the other numbers in the barcode are correct. We recommend that you don't add a check digit to your EAN barcodes when you upload them to your offer. We can calculate the check digit for you.

Make sure that your EAN barcodes:

  • Have 100 characters or fewer
  • Include only numbers (0-9).
  • Include 12 digits if you're not including the check digit, 13 digits if you are including it.
4. UPC-A

UPC-A barcodes are made up of only numbers and include what's called a check digit at the end. This digit "checks" that the other numbers in the barcode are correct. We recommend that you don't add a check digit to your UPC-A barcodes when you upload them to your offer. We can calculate the check digit for you.

Make sure that your UPC-A barcodes:

  • Have 100 characters or fewer
  • Include only numbers (0-9).
  • Include 11 digits if you're not including the check digit, 12 digits if you are including it.
5. UPC-E

UPC-E barcodes are made up of only numbers and include what's called a check digit at the end. This digit "checks" that the other numbers in the barcode are correct. We recommend that you don't add a check digit to your UPC-E barcodes when you upload them to your offer. We can calculate the check digit for you.

Make sure that your UPC-E barcodes:

  • Have 100 characters or fewer
  • Include only numbers (0-9).
  • Include 7 digits if you're not including the check digit, 8 digits if you are including it.
6. PDF-417

You can use the following characters in your PDF-417 barcodes:

  • Digits 0-9
  • Upper and lowercase English alphabet (A-Z, a-z)
Make sure that each of your PDF-417 barcodes has:

  • 100 characters or fewer
  • No special characters or spaces.
7. QR

You can use the following characters in your QR barcodes:

  • Digits 0-9
  • Upper and lowercase English alphabet (A-Z, a-z)
  • Spaces, back quotes, all currency symbols ($, €, ¥, etc.) and the following special characters:

    ! ? . , " # % & ' ( ) * + - / : ; < = > @ [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~
Make sure your QR barcode has 1,000 characters or fewer.

You can use the following characters in your DATAMATRIX barcodes:

  • Digits 0-9
  • Upper and lowercase English alphabet (A-Z, a-z)
  • Spaces, back quotes, all currency symbols ($, €, ¥, etc.) and the following special characters:

    ! ? . , " # % & ' ( ) * + - / : ; < = > @ [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~

If you're creating an offer ad that can be redeemed in-store, you can customise what appears under QR and DATAMATRIX barcodes. To do this:

  • Fill in the OPTIONAL_BARCODE_LABELS column in the CSV template provided while you're creating your offer ad in Ads Manager.
  • Make sure that you add the same number of barcode labels as there are barcodes in your file.
  • Your barcode can be 100 characters or fewer.

Learn more

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