Upload unique promo codes and barcodes to your offer ad

These features are gradually being rolled out and may not be available to you at this time.

Using unique codes means that each person is only able to save and use your offer once. With unique codes, you'll need to upload the same codes to your system that you upload to Facebook to make sure your customers can use them.

You can add unique promo codes (e.g. FREEDELIVERY) or barcodes to your offer ad in Ads Manager. If you do this, each person who saves your offer will have a different promo code or barcode to use at checkout.

Upload unique codes

  1. From the Create offer window of creating an offer ad, find the section called Offer redemption.
  2. Under the Type of promo code section, choose Unique codes.
  3. Click the Upload CSV button and choose your .CSV or .TXT file with the unique codes for your offer. Note: Facebook doesn't generate unique codes for you.
  4. When you've finished, click Create.

Bear in mind the Total offers available can't be more than the number of unique codes you upload. To increase the number of offers available, upload a new file with more unique codes.

Format your file

  1. Download the CSV template provided in the Unique codes section.

    Note: The template you can download will depend on where people can redeem your offer.

  2. Add your promo codes and/or barcodes to the template provided. Make sure your file has the following:
    • No changes to the column titles provided in the template
    • Cells formatted as text, not numbers (if using a CSV file)
    • One promo code or barcode per cell
    • No blank cells between promo codes or barcodes
    • 100 or fewer characters per promo code with no spaces (see below for barcodes)
    • No duplicate promo codes or barcodes in the same column
    • Between 100 and 500,000 unique promo codes and/or barcodes in total
    • The same number of barcode labels as there are barcodes, if applicable
    • The correct formatting rules for the barcode format you selected in ads creation, if applicable

  3. When you're done, upload your file.

Learn about formatting different barcodes for your offer ad.

Learn more

* Nguồn: Facebook