Prevent people from sharing your offer ad


If you create an offer ad with Ads Manager, you can hide the share option. Hiding the share option makes it more likely that only your target audience sees your offer ad.

When you hide the share option:

  • People can't share your offer using
  • People can still copy and paste the link and tag their friends in the comments, so people outside your target audience may still see your offer.

How to hide the share option from your offer ad

  1. While creating your offer ad, fill in all fields on the Create offer screen.
  2. Under Advanced options, tick the box that says "Hide the Share option on your offer. People can still copy and paste a link to your offer and tag friends in the comments".
  3. Note: Your Offer details page example will still show when you tick this box, but this is normal.

  4. When you've finished, click Create.

Now the Share option will be hidden from your offer ad.

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* Nguồn: Facebook