About targeting


There are two general approaches you can take to creating a target audience: specific and broad. The approach that you choose depends on what you're trying to accomplish and what resources you have available.

Targeting specifically

Targeting specifically essentially means that you're giving us a relatively strict set of parameters to work within whilst finding the best people to show your ad to. These parameters can take the form of demographic targeting or Custom or Lookalike Audiences. They may lead to a potential audience that's smaller, but hopefully also to one that's more interested in what you're advertising than a larger and broader audience would have been.

For example, a children's toy shop located in Springfield may want to target specifically. It could target people who live near Springfield and are parents.

Targeting broadly

Targeting broadly essentially means that you're mostly relying on our delivery system to find the best people to show your ad to. This approach can lead to us finding potential customers you never would have known about otherwise. It's also a good approach if you aren't sure who you want to target. If you target broadly and then check Audience Insights or ads reporting, you can learn more about the types of people we found for you and how they reacted to your ads.

For example, a business running a large-scale Brand Awareness campaign may want to target broadly. It could target people aged 18–65 years old in the United States.


Neither type of targeting is inherently superior to the other. (Read our guide on getting more conversions to see how either approach can lead to success for that type of advertising.) In fact, it's almost impossible to not incorporate elements of both into a given ad set. Our delivery system is always optimising for the result you care about no matter how specific your audience is, and you have to use at least a few basic targeting parameters even if you're using a broad approach.

Learn more about designing ads that work.

Create an Audience

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