List your home rental inventory on Marketplace


This feature is only available in the US, Canada, France, UK and Thailand. It may not be available to you at this time.

Property managers can list a broad selection of housing inventory for rent on Marketplace. People can browse these listings on Marketplace and use filters such as housing type, price range, bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage and pet friendliness to find what they want. When someone finds a listing that they like, they can fill in a short form with their contact information, which the property manager or agent will use to contact them.

Some of the benefits to listing inventory on Marketplace include:

  • Reaching renters on Facebook where they're already looking for homes for rent
  • Receiving contact information through a simple contact form
  • Delivering useful information such as number of bedrooms, square footage and pet friendliness
  • Showcasing multi-unit listings when multiple units are available in the same building

How to list home rental inventory on Marketplace


Sign up with one of our US listing partners and contact them to arrange for your listings to be on Marketplace.


Sign up with one of our CA listing partners and contact them to arrange for your listings to be on Marketplace.


Sign up with one of our French listing partners and contact them to arrange for your listings to be on Marketplace.


Sign up with one of our UK listing partners and contact them to arrange for your listings to be on Marketplace.


Sign up with one of our Thailand listing partners and contact them to arrange for your listings to be on Marketplace.

Things to know about listing home rental inventory on Marketplace

  • Facebook doesn't directly broker, lease or sublease property and isn't a party to any transaction between renters and landlords (including property management companies and property managers).
  • Rental agencies can't list properties for sale, but can list housing for rent. This includes rooms, apartments, town homes and houses for rent. If you want to list your own place for sale, learn how here.
  • Rental listings will appear only on Marketplace, not on a Facebook Page (unless deliberately shared to a Page).
  • Marketplace just connects the listing owner and renter. Facebook does not participate in any transaction.
  • Marketplace automatically shows listings within 40 miles of a person's location. People can change this setting when they search for housing.
  • Listings that discriminate against a protected class can be reported and will be removed from Facebook. Learn about the Fair Housing Act and Marketplace.

Learn how you can list your own place for rent or for sale on Marketplace even if you're not a property manager with rental inventory.

* Nguồn: Facebook